experiment with bedding

I have no idea why you are getting the roaches. Are they sort of like crickets? Crickets love to hide under straw. I wonder if that is it. I have not experienced any bugs at all where I am. So maybe the straw is not a good idea in the south? I'm not sure. I'm not familiar with the kinds of bugs you get. If you think the hay is drawing them into the coop, then I would quickly take it out and see if it makes a difference. I'm so sorry if this has caused you trouble.
It's not crickets. What I call "silver fish" is a small, slender, light brown roach vs the huge, fat, dark brown cockroach.

It's not a problems, I have liked the smell and less dust....as well as how easy it is to handle vs the pine chips. I also tried a few bags of cedar chips (wasn't too crazy about those)....that is how I ended up with a mixture. I am thinking about trying just plain old alfalfa hay.

It is soooo hot and humid here and we have lots and lots of bugs!!! I hung 6 fly strips in my coop today---already had 6 hanging from last week-end---they were all covered when I left the coop at 7pm.....flies, gnats, mosquitoes, yellow flies, yellow jackets, wasps, dirt dobbers, carpenter bees, june bugs, stink bugs....welcome to south Georgia!

Sorry, just tired tonight and planning on thinning my flock tomorrow. I have 50 chickens and plan to give away at least 15 to a friends son.....I am struggling with which ones to give up....I have raised them all from chicks......
It does sound like you are having a lot to deal with. I can't imagine having all those bugs around the coop. It's not like you can spray for them either. Your coop must be huge with that many chickens. I wonder if using white wash would help. I have heard that it helps to repel bugs.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond. The blend we are using doesn't have molasses. My hubby says we will keep on using it even with the roaches because the smell and moisture has decreased so drastically. He likes it so much better that he has been doing chicken chores before he leaves for work in the morning since the roaches seem to be more prevalent in the morning. Wow, I love my hubby!!! :)

Chichichickapea, your post made me think you could be a neighbor when you named all the buggy pests you have.

Old Rooster, I don't have a problem with them eating them for snacks as long as it won't hurt them. As many as we are seeing I guess they can't keep up with them though. lol I guess I should just be glad we haven't been getting Palmetto bugs (huge roach type bugs that could almost carry your shoes off of the porch they are so big)
I bought 2 bales of alfalfa hay and used 1 Saturday when I cleaned out my coop (again!)....very, very dusty and just not the pleasant smell of the forage blend...my chickens liked it, but I have a small room off to the side (my brooder room) and I had a little forage blend left over and sprinkled it in there---got busy in the run and came back into the coop and they were all in the brooder room scratching around in the forage blend--so I am thinking even though it seems more $$ and more bugs--we all like it better....and I am hoping since I seriously downsized my flock it will last longer for me. Just trying to get a grip on things. The flies were horrible yesterday afternoon--one day after I gave my coop a good cleaning...I think it's just south Georgia.
Hi guys!
I haven't posted a pic for a bit. I have been quite busy. I'm glad to hear the blend is much drier for you. I have noticed it dries the poops pretty good. Maybe that is why there is no smell. My coop is not stinky yet, even with all the heat and humidity we have had all summer.
I'll post a pic a little later after I go out there and turn over their straw.
Thanks so much for your updates and comments! I'm sure somebody out there will benefit from all this!
As for me? The worst bugs I have right now are Japaneese beetles and they are more focused on my garden. The girls really like them, but they are waaaaay outnumbered!
Be back later.
Ok, Here we go. This hay has been in the coop since June 29th. It smells nice and it is dry. So far just a little dust in the coop....not much though compared to other hays.
I have only been turning it over with a kiddie sized rake and smoothing it out. Today I did not have much time, so I just smoothed it over with the rake.
There are more feathers now as my younguns are shedding baby feathers still.
Since this thread is getting kind of long, I will state again what this is. It is Lucern Farms High Fiber Gold for horses. I am actually thinking of using it in my run, but will see how long this lasts first.

OK just finnished reading the entire thread... AWESOME info.... thank you so much for posting this.....

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