experiment with bedding

Ok, I finally changed out the bedding in the coop. It was still dry and still no smell, but I couldn't stand looking at it anymore. It was getting pretty full of feathers, feed, and poops. So, anyway, the bag of hay lasted 66 days for me. This will be nice for when winter temps keep me from wanting to spend a lot of time cleaning. The bedding would go much longer if I wanted it to, but I really like to see things immaculate for my girls.
I had friends over a couple of days ago and had them take a sniff in the coop. They said all they could smell was hay.
I would definately give this a thumbs up for anyone wanting to reduce the dust in their coop as well as keep things dry.
Bedding experiment complete!
Anyone know where to get it online? I can't seem to find anything and I live in city so no way to find anything around me!
I finally went to go buy a bag and wouldn't you know it? They don't have it :( I guess they carry other Lucerne Farms products but not the hi fiber gold. Sigh. I really wanted to use it in my under coop - above ground run as well.

Here's a pic of my setup:

In the run I have sanded down fence pickets for the floor (we're renting and I can't risk leaving a mess behind when we leave) and they have about 1/8" or so gap between them for drainage.

What else could I use instead of the Hi Fiber gold? I was considering sand but I am not sure about it, especially if it ends up being wrong for our setup - it'll be a pain to take back out again. At TSC I saw a bag of chopped hay and got excited, only to see it had molasses in it. They also have mini bales of alfalfa. I bought the pine pellets to try in the coop, but am I right they won't work in the run below, esp seeing as we're heaving into the thunderstorm season?

Is there another other main brand product just like this that I can find easily to use? It really sounded like the answer for us, and now I have no clue what to use! I'd really appreciate any recommendations any of you might have as a sub for the elusive Hi Fiber Gold! Thanks!
Do they carry the ground cover? That is what I was using before I found the high fiber gold. It is dustier, but stays nice and dry. Did you try an online search for the product in your area? Also, you can contact them and ask if there is someone near you who carries it. Their site is not up to date with their listing of dealers. Let me go find the site and see if I can get their contact info for you.

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