Exposed bone


7 Years
Jul 10, 2016
A raccoon (I believe) got to my hens and guineas last night I have a hen that is alive but missing an entire wing with about 2cm of exposed bone. I removed her from the flock and put her inside were I flushed the wound and wrapped it in hopes to prevent dry bone disease? She is eating drinking and pooping but I know exposed bone is very bad any advice on continued care or if putting her down is best (which I really don't want to do) thank you.
Make sure that the wound is cleaned with 10% betadine or chlorhexadene once to clean it well, and apply plain antibiotic ointment twice a day to keep it moist while skin is growing back to cover the wound. Keep her inside away from flies. You may be surprised to know that she may well do well with her injuries, with time and good nutrition. Make sure that you can find where the raccoon got into your coop, or it could happen again. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her still. The raccoon didn't damage the pen at all just reached in and pulled on them I I will be beefing up with electrical!
I had gauze wrapped around her all night last night n she did well neosporin n rewrapped her today but she has pecked at it and managed to get it off. I guess feeling better shes a little more rambunctious is it imperative that I keep the wound covered or if I keep it coated in neosporin should that be enough? And can anyone recommend any better method of cover rather than wrapping gauze around her chest and under her other wing? She is still a small bird

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