Exposed scalp from feathers pulled during winter...


Jun 21, 2019
Why, Herman, why did you tear all the feathers out of Dawn's head?

One of my roosters pulled all feathers out of my crested duck's winter....when temps are getting down into the 20s or below at night. Why, Herman. Why? I'm thinking I'll have to bring her in since her scalp is exposed unless someone has an idea that might allow her to stay with the flock. I hate doing that because she already has a unique position in the flock and I don't want to mess with the dynamic but i see no other option. Any suggestions?
Is her scalp red now? If so, spray it with Blu-Kote. That will hopefully deter more pecking if you leave her with the flock. Can you share a photo? Might help determine if she needs to come inside.
I did immediately spray her with blue-kote. I'm at work and unfortunately don't have a picture but she's plucked clean. There wasn't a lot if blood and no broken skin from what i can tell. She just has no feathers on her scalp
I tried my best to vet a good picture but she moves so much when i hold her. None of the dark spots are blood, it's all blu-kote. She just has no feathers and you can see the holes where the pins used to be. No scratches or injuries though.
I think she'll be fine outside. I had a pullet get scalped and when it healed it was left featherless until the next molt, which was the following year. After she was healed she was back out with the flock, but I kept Blu-Kote on the area until her feathers grew in, just because the other hens would peck at anything red.

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