External pips!!

A roo or two

6 Years
Sep 16, 2013
This morning we have two external pips and I heard peeping!

Oh no...I suddenly don't feel well, I better call in sick
Awesome! What day are you on? I am on day 20 with fifteen eggs that I candled on day 17 to still be kicking. I haven't seen much of anything thus far. What breeds are you hatching?
Today at 2:30 p.m. makes 20 full days. I didn't see anything either until this morning. No internal pip, no peeps, no wiggles. I just woke up this morning to hearing them and seeing a couple wiggle and upon closer inspection I saw 4 pipped shells! This is my first time incubating so I am over the moon excited.

My girls are RSL, Dominque and EEs. My cockerel is a barred EE. That's him in my avatar.
Well, hopefully some time today mine pip, but in the meantime I had better keep busy so I don't think about it.

Those will be some neat chicks, and for a first timer like me I bet you can't wait for them to wriggle on out! I am excited waiting for mine to hatch, but I also have forty-some more eggs to hatch out. Seven are my own barnyard crosses and they stick out like a sore thumb, cause they are the only browns. But this batch I am waiting on Silkies, Lakenvelders, Modern Games, and one little Barnyard cross.
Send those hatching vibes my way!
I politely demand to see pictures when they hatch. Or even while they hatch. Baby chicks are baby chicks, either way.
I have been calming myself by watching videos of hatches, some are eight hours of hatching condensed into six minutes. Not sure if it is calming me or encouraging my obsession.
I will get pics soon. My windows fogged up LOL. I took a couple videos on my phone as they hatched and just after. I will have to post them.

This is me right now
Eeeep! I am excited for you... Not that I need to be as you have plenty of excitement yourself. ;) How many eggs did you set?
I set 37, 2 were clear, 3 quitters. 32 went into lock down. It's so steamed up in there I can't see how many I have for sure. I think right now I am at about 20 hatched.

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