Extra Protein

from Louisiana!
Don't give much of the infant vitamin drops, one drop a day and I wouldn't do this every day forever; you can overdo vitamins and electrolytes. Cat food is not the best thing for them; I'll give you a link to the BYC treats chart, and you will see there's a note at the bottom of it that explains. Also, birds are lactose intolerant -- they have no enzyme for digesting milk, so more than a little of something like cottage cheese can cause problems. If you give yogurt or kefir, this isn't a problem as the lactose is already broken down. Raw meat is fine though really cooked is probably more convenient -- a scrap from your supper or a carcass or bone with a little meat left on it are things they love. If they won't eat something everyone says they like, it's probably because it is strange to them, and they are afraid of new things.


Missed one. To make a new topic, click on "index" at the top left of the page on the blue bar. Then select the forum you want the topic in (Incubating and Hatching eggs, etc.) and click on that. Now you will see "post new topic" on the upper right hand side of the page. Click on that and make your thread.

This might help with the forum: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=16110

by the way, I buy mine some canned mackerel every now and then. It dows not have any salt added and it's inexpensive.

There are a number of ways to worm chickens, and many different approaches. Here's one thread:

She laid a fully shelled egg today!! Hooray.
Still very skinny thou and no meat on her breast so will keep giving a little extra protein. Thank you for asking. xx

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