Extracted inch long cactus needle from pullets foot, what now?


6 Years
Dec 3, 2013
We were out this evening making sure that all of the chickens went into the coop and I noticed a pullet that had flown up onto the top of the gate. We went to get her down and put her in the coop and I thought that I would look at her feet while we had her in hand.

She had a small, hard black spot on the bottom of one foot that was surrounded by more tissue that felt hard. I thought maybe she had a sticker or small pebble that had gotten lodged in the pad of her foot, so we took her inside and I managed to loosen it (it was really hard to remove).

Turns out it was the end of an inch long cactus needle that looked like it had been there for a while. When I pulled the scab off, a little bit of pus came out and the needle protruded through the opening. I pulled it out and washed her foot. There is a hardened area, like a callous built up around the spot, but I couldn't get any more pus out. just some clear, pinkish fluid.

I put some Neosporin on it and bandaged it and then put her in the coop. I'll keep checking it to make sure that it isn't getting infected, but should I do anything else? Does that calloused area mean bumblefoot or other problem?

Thanks for any help.
Hi there, I found this link to bumble foot that might help you to compare your chickens foot to a bumble foot case- https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=236649

Oh, wow!

Thanks so much. That looks way more intense than what I saw on my pullet tonight. I'm pretty sure it was just the cactus after seeing the photos in that thread. There wasn't any swelling on the top of her foot or any hard kernel inside, just a callous on the bottom of the foot that looked like it came from walking on the cactus needle, poor girl.

I'm definitely going to be doing regular foot checks with my flock after this, there are just way too many things that can cause injury to their feet while they are scratching around out there.

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