extreme broodiness


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
I've had many of my hens go broody over time, and I've helped them snap out of it by separating them in a crate for three nights. That always did the trick. But now I have one that has taken this to an extreme. She started over a week ago. She would often sit in a nesting box and do the fluffing/clucking thing when approached. But she would also leave the box, and strut around outside, clucking and fluffing endlessly while walking about. So we separated her, and she's been in her isolation crate for five nights now, and she shows no signs of stopping. She seems to be eating and drinking. But what on earth is going on? She's ca 4.5 years old--could this have anything to do with this? The others go broody "normally" despite their "old ages".
Some hens are just far harder to break than others.

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