Extreme rain.?

I think we need a bit more information. How cold does it get in So. Cal? Not very cold from what I recall. It doesn't hurt chickens to get wet, as long as they have a dry place to go roost when they are finished foraging in the rain. Mine spend a lot of time in the weather here in Florida when it rains, but not so much in the winter time because it gets quite cold in North Florida sometimes. What is your chicken housing and run area like?
Is the coop open to the weather or is it closed up? As long as no water can get into the coop they should be fine. I assume your run is attached to the building, so they can go in and out at will. As long as they can get under shelter they should be great. The only thing that might be an issue, if water gets into your coop, is that your bedding might get wet and you'll just have to change it all out once the storm passes. I wouldn't worry about them. They are animals, and there are still wild chickens out there nesting in trees, and surviving the weather just fine.
Also think about water runoff and puddling in and around where you have your coop.
Pics of coop/run and surrounding area would help us help you.

Water infiltration can cause respiratory issues and bad odors.
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