Extremely injured chick- please help me!!!


May 24, 2022

This chick was hatched this morning. I’m thinking that the mother hen attacked it. Which really confuses me, because she loves her other chicks so much
and is very protective of them. But this one appears to have been attacked. We’ve also lost 2 others but they were dead when I found them. I’m assuming that the mother hen attacked and killed them.
This chick, however is still alive, although mangled. He has extremely severe head injuries and the bottom part of his beak is detached. He’s still cheeping though and walking around. I believe he is going to die, but I’d like to make him as comfortable as I can in the meantime. Or at least attempt to save him. Can someone please help me? I would greatly appreciate any advice!! 😢☹️ It just breaks my heart to see him this way.
Try feeding him/her, I don't really think he will survive that long as he is just a baby chick and not a full-grown chicken, try giving him some water with a stringe and see if he wants some feed. But there is a very low chance of him being able to survive. If you are going to put him down, put him in a blaket//towel to keep him warm, and do your way of putting chicks down. I recommend putting the surviving chicks in a brooder away from the mother hen so you don't have any more losses. Hope everything goes well.
I agree with others that this chick's odds of survival is slim to none. The detached lower beak issue may prove to be more fatal than the severe head injury.

The main reason for my post here is to say I wouldn't blame mama hen for the injuries of this chick unless 1) You see her do the deed 2) You are Positive rats cannot access the chicks.
Try feeding him/her, I don't really think he will survive that long as he is just a baby chick and not a full-grown chicken, try giving him some water with a stringe and see if he wants some feed. But there is a very low chance of him being able to survive. If you are going to put him down, put him in a blaket//towel to keep him warm, and do your way of putting chicks down. I recommend putting the surviving chicks in a brooder away from the mother hen so you don't have any more losses. Hope everything goes well.
ok thank you very much!!

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