Extremely mean rooster

My wife Lea and i take in all types we have several roosters that either have started Fighting with each other or are aggressive. I came up with a method that really works. It doesn’t hurt the rooster. He can still run if he is in trouble and believe me this works . Get a couple of 8 inch zip ties, put one around the Only one of the roosters ankle loosely so its twice the size of his ankle or So. Cut the remainder of the zip tie off. Take another zip tie and loop it through the zip tie on his ankle and loop a 3/4 inch nut so that it rests on the ground when he is standing. Big loop . Cut the remainder off . He wont like it but he will adjust. It will distract him and he will mellow out eventually . He will still try to fight Or attack until he realizes its to much to deal with . I have one rooster that has had the nut attached for several Days . He is fine now. And i have had one who has had it for several weeks He mellowed pretty quickly but still needs the reminder. Try it it will work Thanks Ric Langley Andover Ct
Can you send any pictures of how it works?
How old is the Chicken. Is he young under a year(Cockerel), or one year, & over?(Rooster)

If he's still young, it may still be possible to teach him manners. Method I use is the FootBall method.
I pick them up like a football if they kick me up my legs. I hold them nice, & tight, but not squeezing for about a minute.

My main way of taming is from day 1, & beyond. I hold them, & wear the color red(Optional). There's only 3 butt heads in my flock. 1 bantam silkie that likes biting me, a Porcelain D'uccle who likes to bite me occasionally, one time he actually attacked my face(Years ago), & a Black Sumatra named Demon. He kicks me up my legs occasionally, & when he does, I use that method I mentioned above. It's been a good 3½ weeks since he did it last.

If I can't tame them, we eat them. No highly aggressive roosters allowed.
He is 1 year and 5 months.
Please protect yourself if you attempt some of the rehabilitation methods. Some birds will bite whatever they can get, your face included, if they're restrained. Protect your eyes and your face. Remember that anyone that's a regular in the household will generally have to preform these exercises (er...... exorcisoms may fit here) if the bird is attacking them too. This isn't possible for many children and even if it was, I certainly wouldn't advise it. You must have a confidence about you and many children just don't have the mentality of acting like this in a believable way. Just be careful, which I'm sure you are anyway. I'm just offering a polite reminder. I do wish you the very best and nothing less
I think I’m fine with a few bites from the rooster, I am the only one in my family who cares for the chickens as my parents and my brother refuse to do anything for them. I am taking into consideration everyone’s advice and formulating my own solutions to tame my Mac.
don't squarely face him as you move toward him, don't talk to him as you approach, and, (especially) don't do both at the same time.
This is opposite of what I would do. If you are going to have a rooster in your yard, he needs to know who is top dog. I walk where I want, I don't walk around my rooster , he moves out of my way. If I want to look at him I will and he will look away first.
I never coddle or hand feed my rooster. I only touch him at night to trim his spurs and so health checks, and I dont make these exersize pleasant for him. He will always fear me, and this is the way I can keep my beautiful protective boy and we can both do our job. I can move around my yard and turn my back to him with no fear.
Your rooster is no longer a teenager. He will continue to be what he is right now.
Cull him.
I have 4 beautiful gentlemanly rooster I am trying to give away tight now, but will likely have to butcher them as there are no takers.
Check your craigslist. This is where I found my current roo
Good rooster are culled every day, no need to keep a bad actor and make your life miserable and ruin your chicken experience.

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