Eye infection and not feeling well

I am actually fighting a respiratory infection in my flock right now, and the latest victim has a seriously bad eye from it. The eyeball itself is fine, but ALL of the soft tissue around it is swollen.

One question I would have is whether or not your chicken has a discharge of mucus from the eyes. There is a VERY good chance that it would be all dried up in the feathers around the eye, or on the beak. If she does, then it is almost definitely a respiratory infection. Just like humans, a chicken's eyes are connected to their nose. And just how people get watery eyes if they have a sinus infection, so would a chicken.

Just because it shows up around the eye, doesn't mean thats where the problem is.

I have been successfully treating them all with VetRX droplets in the nostrils (and a drop or squirt into their throat), and Duramycin INJECTIONS.
I don't think it's a respiratory infection. There's been no new birds, and I've never had one here. I'm not even sure there's an eyeball in there. She's been laying eggs, and does look better this morning. Maybe the Sulfadimethoxine is doing the trick.

Is there a way that I can position her so I can get a good look in the eye without her constantly pulling her head away?
Just hold her and her head pretty tightly and pull the eyelid apart. If you use a table, use your body to kinda encase hers and pin her down. That leaves both hands free to hold her head and pry her eyelid open.
5 days ago, I wasn't getting anywhere so I started back on triple antibiotic ointment, and Sulfadimethoxine, which is and antibiotic. I got slow improvement but it's been improvement. She has gained some of her feistiness back, and she can open her eye, today I can see her pupil, but it might have damage. So it's been a good combo.

How long should I treat with sulfadimethoxine?
The eye problem seems to come and go, but his vision definitely seems slightly impaired as he's bumped into things in the past few days. I will try the sulmet as soon as I can get some. It seems to in very high demand and stores are out of stock around here.
Sulmet and Sulfadimethoxine (Albon) are 2 different things. The SulfadimethOXine , aside from being an anticoccidial, is also an antibiotic.
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Actually, sulfadimethoxine is not amprollium, but is known by the brand names of Albon, DI-METHOX, and Sulfamed-G. Sulmet is sulfamethazine. So many of these drugs sound alike unfortunately. Many are used for some of the same things, but amprollium (Corid) is usually just used for coccidiosis.
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Egg, thanks for correcting that. It was important that this info was right.

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