Eye infection/injury?? Eye has gone blind and gray- pics

Chickens are tough little critters; I'm sure she will be fine :) I do know what you mean about the cold though. I had to carry my hunka hunka burnin Roo out of the coop the past few days! What a wimp
Gotta love him.
I have had a similar situation with my ISA brown, Helen. About 5 months ago, her eye swelled up, stayed shut for a few days and when it finally opened, it was gray and filmy. I treated her with antibiotics for infection, massaged the eye with saline and/or Vetricyn, etc. One day, a white chunk of something hard, like a contact lens, popped out as I massaged, but after that nothing else changed. I could not figure out what it was. I eventually stopped messing with it. The eye is still gray and filmy looking, and she appears to be blind in that eye, but other than that, she is fine and is my best layer. Go figure.
Infection from injury or respiratory infection. Maybe even eye worm, but don't quote me on that as I haven't seen any in person, just pictures here.


X2 infection from injury or respiratory infection is what it looks like to me. Does not look like the pics of eye worm I've seen (but I've not seen it in person, either).
I just recieved my baby RIR (roughly 4-6 weeks) she has the same problem, but she seems to be leaning her head over to the injured side... It's sooo sad! Any advice? The place I got her from said i could bring her back to switch, but if she's not going to die i want to keep her! she'll be my special egg :)

She acts just like my two other babies! She favors her left side. But she chirps and eats and sleeps just like the rest of them.

I haven't tried anything yet. I'm going to wait over night to see if she gets better or worse. Then take her in.
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