Eye/Sinus Infection?


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
One of my leghorns has some kind of infection. The area all around her eye is extremely inflamed and there is yellow and watery discharge coming out of it. She also has discharge coming out of her nose. There was a little blood in it today. I've been irrigating the eye regularly and treating with antibiotic eye ointment but it doesn't seem to be getting any better so today I dissolved some ammoxicillian in water and put some of that down her throat. She still looks horrible. Can anyone think of anything else I can do for her? I figure I'll give the antibiotics 24 hours to work and then make the call if she isn't doing any better.
you have her inside and seperate for the others? you need to give the antibiotics longer than 24 hrs, but you should see some improvement. I am not sure what is the best antibiotic for this but you can google search in upper right hand corner of this page. There is also link I'm giving you to read it's excellent with great suggestions. Hope you'll read it and your girl will get well for you. www.shagbarkbantams.com/oxine.htm
Yes she's indoors stinking up my gym. Thx for the link... going to check it out now!

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