Fabric - A warning to all poultry owners.


Jul 3, 2017
Modoc County, California
Today, I learned a hard lesson. Fabric, and the dangers it poses to poultry. Loose threads and string look appetizing to chickens, which can lead to being ingested. If the string is still attached to the fabric, the situation can became deadly. I found my little bantam rooster just a half hour past, with a string hanging from his mouth and his whole esophagus pulled out, and yet he was still alive. It was horrifying, and devastating. I'm still crying as I type this, but it's something that needs to be said so that other poultry owners are informed of the risks of fabric around their flocks.

Baby Boy was in a lot of pain, and our vet doesn't work much with chickens, so we eased his passing and buried him. I will miss you, my little friend. ;_;

2017 July 8 - Baby Boy 1.JPG
I'm so sorry about your Bantam rooster! Thank you for the warning. I am always careful about long strings, such as the ones from my feed bags, because they can also cause impacted crop.
Today, I learned a hard lesson. Fabric, and the dangers it poses to poultry. Loose threads and string look appetizing to chickens, which can lead to being ingested. If the string is still attached to the fabric, the situation can became deadly. I found my little bantam rooster just a half hour past, with a string hanging from his mouth and his whole esophagus pulled out, and yet he was still alive. It was horrifying, and devastating. I'm still crying as I type this, but it's something that needs to be said so that other poultry owners are informed of the risks of fabric around their flocks.

Baby Boy was in a lot of pain, and our vet doesn't work much with chickens, so we eased his passing and buried him. I will miss you, my little friend. ;_;

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Yeah, lots of animals will do that... one cat I had survived eating an entire spool of thread.
Had a cat swallow thread, had to snip the "sausages" (yuk) off for a few days till all the thread was finished going thru, tried to pull it but was afraid to have the guts come out, since then I've been hypervigilant about threads (feed bag pieces) getting stuck in my chickens, so thank you for posting your story so others can be warned. Nobody should have to experience it.
Thank you for posting this. I am sitting with my nearly 4 week old chicks, having cut a piece of fabric to cover their little heater. I saw them picking at thread and decided to research this. That fabric piece is now tossed out and I will consider something else.

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