Face swollen. What to do?


6 Years
Mar 12, 2015
Astoria, OR
This is a new one to me. This 1.5 wk old bantam mottled cochin has swelling on her face, and is sneezing occasionally. She otherwise seems fine- peeping, running about, eating, drinking, etc. What might it be, and how should I proceed with her?

She is, of course one of the sweetest of the chicks. It always seems to be the ones that you get attached to that get sick.

Sorry this happened! This has never happened to me before, but all that I can say is that it looks like an infection. If you put some disinfectant on it it might get better. Or, something that has helped with me in the past is warm chamomile tea, if you have any, and just squirt it in her eye every day until it starts getting better. If someone else says something different, and it's not an infection. Then I don't think I can help. Sorry! I hope she gets better!!
is the swelling on one side only like it seems in the photo? if it is only one side it could be a few things. a possible insect bite, something lodged into the sinus, something lodged into the eye. have you looked inside her mouth? make sure nothing is growing in her mouth like yellow or white patches. Does her breath have a strong smell? Does she have mucus and if yes what color. does she wheeze when she breathes? is she coughing? is her nose hole crusted or open? if you can answer these questions we might be able to help more.
Just one side, yes. The eye itself is clear, her mouth and breath seem good, and when she sneezed, there was a small amount mucus and it was clear and runny/liquid (not gummy). I've heard her sneeze twice, but no coughing, and she doesn't seem to be wheezing at all. Her nostrils appear to be clear.

Thank you for your help!
do you think it is possible she was bitten by a insect? usually when a illness is causing the swelling both sides of the face is swollen. will you gently touch the area and tell me if it's hard or soft or hot. also very very very gently prest the area and see if puss drains any where .is that side all soft or is there any round hardness to it? I'm so sorry for all the questions but by this being a one sided swelling without mucus or wheeze I'm almost suspecting that it's not respiratory illness causing the swelling but we have to figure out what is causing it. if it is hot with fever a broad spectrum antibotic might help but let's try to figure out exactly why the areas swollen. it's very difficult from online but let's give it a try.
Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it.

It could be a bug bite- spring is springing around here, and there have been some mosquitos and such out and about, and I suppose one might have gotten in the brooder.

I will try inspecting her face (gently!) more in a bit and report back.
Just checked in on her- she makes it easy, as she's extremely sweet and friendly. The swelling has gone down a bit since I took that picture earlier today, though it is still readily visibly. It's soft to the touch, seems to be the same temperature as the rest of her, and it doesn't appear to hurt her when I touch it, but then, she's really not much of a complainer in general. No pus or fluid came out when I pressed it gently. It did feel somewhat...deflated? Ish? Kind of like when a blister has gone down, but is still somewhat swollen? Sorry if that's vague, having difficulty describing it.
I would say at this point keep a close eye on her. make sure the swelling does not get worse. I would say if it worsens, feels hot to the touch at that point I would give antibotics. For now, just watch. make sure she's eating, drinking and her poop is normal. I'm really thinking it might have been a insect bite at this point. sounds like she's already on the mend.Good to hear! let's see if it's even visible tomorrow.she should be just fine but watch her incase it fills again. she sure is a cutie pie♡♡ I hope she heals right up!

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