
Nope no problem at all. My main like page has 30k. The key to facebook like pages is socializing.

1. Like pages take time. It's not an over night process.

2. Chickens aren't the easy niche for start up pages so it will take more time than some other niches.

3. Be friendly with admins of pages similar to yours. If you get them to like your page it automatically links the two. The more pages your linked to the easier it is for people to find you.

4. Update often...but not to often. A great way to get more people is to have fresh content. However, people who update too often or spam people's newsfeed quickly get unliked.

5. Make sure to share your page to your personal profile. You can also link your page in your signature here at BYC
Thank you for the great feedback. I have been doing most of this but did not have a signature on BYC so now it is updated.
Let's see if I get more traffic.
It's no problem at all. Facebook can be tricky at first but once you have a good amount of traffic it gets much easier.
I started a Facebook page for mine and a friend's project... it has over 120 likes, I was barely expecting 10 so I'm pleasantly surprised. Get other people to spread the word. Be patient, it might take a while to start the ball rolling, but once you've got more followers their friends can see your page from their profile, and might like it from there, etc.
I guess the word on the street is patience! That makes sense. I have a twitter account and it seems that I pick up followers fairly fast on there so I had assumed Facebook would be the same.
The good news is that I picked up another 4 followers already. THANK YOU!
:lol: I suppose it's not the same. I've gotten many followers on Facebook, but I'm only up to 7 on Twitter. I suppose I'm not the most diversely interesting person to listen to tweeting, some of my followers include MarketWatch if that gives you an idea.... lol

anyway, congrats on your new followers! :thumbsup

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