Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th


10 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Armuchee, Georgia
BYC is not responsible for transactions outside the BST area of the forum. All swaps are at the swappers risk and in no way will the Staff be involved in disputes. All disputes should be handled privately as per BYC Rules. No feedback and no feedback threads are allowed in these swaps. Do not report issues with the swaps using the report button. Please resolve all issues privately with your swap partner and/or the the swap originator. BYC discourages all transactions outside the regular BST area. Non monetary swap transactions are only allowed in this forum and only in a Swap thread. You must be 18 or over to participate in any swap, trade or any other transaction on BYC. All BYC Rules apply.

October 15th Quilt Swap

It’s time to sign up for the next BYC quilt block swap! Woo Hoo!!

Lets do a Blue colored block, Blue as the main color and mix it how ever you wish, I will post some block designs for us to vote on

Please make 12” x 12” blocks that allow for seam allowances.

We will have 16 spaces, so you will need to do 16 blocks. Due date will be October 15th. Sign up quick as spaces go fast!!!!!

I am on BYC often, and I will be available to answer questions, and all who send blocks will receive blocks from whomever else takes part. I ask that when you ship your blocks, add a large SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) for easy block shipment. However many blocks we each receive is dependent on how many quilters take part. ALL BLOCKS are sent to me (yes, even yours your keeping) so that I can be sure every pile of blocks sent out contains one from every single sender. It’s confusing to keep track of 12 - 15 different piles, and who doesn't need one. I want no mistakes, so make and send them all at once.
TO SIGN UP: Please put "SIGN ME UP" OR "YES, I'M IN" or something all by itself in a post on the forum. (Or, put it first, then elaborate) Please post you want to be involved HERE on THIS THREAD.

Let the Quilting Begin !!!!!!!


Swappers post your links to suggested blocks here so we can vote on them, please take into consideration for less experienced quilters.
I like the "love in the mist" and they are blue flowers, their proper name is Nigella.

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