Farm Day 2014 Photos (mainly of peafowl)

In MI, if you are injured on the job, your insurance does not have to cover medical costs, its the responsibility of the company you work for via workers comp insurance. Workers comp insurance has such a bad history of payment that no hospital and very few Dr.'s will accept them, because that has caused so many problems for people getting medical help social security ( after a certain amount of time) sometimes covers medical for people on workers comp with the deal that eventually they will be reimbursed by workers comp insurance. When you go to the Dr. or Hospital ( or in my case are taken or sent there by the company), the first thing they ask is " is this a work related injury"? If you admit it is, then you have to pay before service.
Being on opiates had nothing to do with anything except that the lab was charging an "uninsured" person $450. for a test that the common fee for was $15.
In MI, if you are injured on the job, your insurance does not have to cover medical costs, its the responsibility of the company you work for via workers comp insurance. Workers comp insurance has such a bad history of payment that no hospital and very few Dr.'s will accept them, because that has caused so many problems for people getting medical help social security ( after a certain amount of time) sometimes covers medical for people on workers comp with the deal that eventually they will be reimbursed by workers comp insurance. When you go to the Dr. or Hospital ( or in my case are taken or sent there by the company), the first thing they ask is " is this a work related injury"? If you admit it is, then you have to pay before service.
Being on opiates had nothing to do with anything except that the lab was charging an "uninsured" person $450. for a test that the common fee for was $15.
I see
why do they do the drug test if they gave you the meds to take for your injury?
What kind of work do you do?
We have workmans comp here also so glad my husband never had to use it sounds like a night mare

It was hard enough to get the disability insurance we paid 200 dollars a month for the last 14 years to cover my DH when he was off for a major surgery, darn company messed us around so bad , i would call them and ask them what they needed from the doctor cause i had to reapply every 30 days more or less and they would tell me they didn't need nothing and if they did they would notife me, next thing you know i get a letter that they needed the doctor to fill out some paper work for the next 30 day payment, now DH appointments were 2 weeks apart and 120 miles to the doctor 1 way sense i did not get that paper work to them a week after they sent it to me they tried to denied the claim, this went on for 3 freaking months two different surgeries my DH had , we now put that 200 a month in a special account
I progressed very slowly yesterday with a little help from the pea brains

They chased me to the burn pile and back to the green pen

I stuck my mower right off the bat, it is still wet and now we are getting more rain so more wet to come

making ruts but i am raising up the area so not a real problem yet.

Cleaned up and now i have to replace a couple post that are bent from the weathers,haul in some fill then i will start closing in the pea shelter
I found 8 sheets of primed plywood in the barn also
DH let it sit there way to long needs to be used

Nice Zaz! What is the history on all those standing posts?
Ya know they have been there so long i forgot what my DH had planed to do there
and i helped him set the post
But it is mine ,all mine
just like the all that pipe i picked up and put on the trailer, boards and plywood i found in the barn
at least he hoards things i can use

Darn rain oh well i got it cleared out, so it will at least dry faster in that area.

She is doing an inspection of my hedge trimmer which i do not cut hedges with, i use it to cut down salt grass and shrubs right down to the ground, i love that thing.

They love to eat saw dust, crazy thangs

Rain rain go away.
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What kind of wood is that? the sawdust looks yellow.

I love that little chain saw, i can not pull a cord to start anything cause my shoulder is so messed up so my DH bought me that so i could clear small trees .
I cleared this 2 acres in a couple weeks so we could dig a new pond and build a foundation for the new barn. DH ground all the stumps out and it is a real pretty place, some day when i am dead and gone someone is gonna see that place and want to build a home there.

I could not find my finished photos guess i need to go take some when this rain stops
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Yes, I build them lots of perches, and they leave me their thanks for when I am loading the wood into the furnace.

Zaz, that wood has a few different names, we just call it hedge, as it was planted along all the property lines and between fields after the dust bowl to help from wind erosion.

It is also called Ozark Orange, and Bois D'arc, or Bodark. Very hard and dense wood, I have burnt some fence posts that were hand cut by axe by my grand and great grandfather. I can not imagine how hard the oldtimers worked.

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