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Soooo cute!! Especially love the brown one. <3

Assuming at least one helps on the farm or are they all just pets? So cute

All of them are work dogs. Sometimes we'll let them in for a few minutes. It was Mocha's birthday; that's why they got to come inside for a bit.

Well they all look healthy and happy :)

Sometimes I wonder if mine wouldn't be happier outside. I don't think he would be because he loves the bed and attention but he sleeps a lot and loves being outside aha

Anyway, I just didn't know cause I know some people have working dogs and keep them inside/as friends too but obviously you're still friends with them from the looks of it :p plus i think it's usually one or two not four aha

So out of curiosity, I have a couple questions if you don't mine. I don't mean to be nosy and I'm sure outside dogs are really common most places but I'm just curious cause here they're not really, though I have heard of chain spots for pit bulls and sled dogs and runs for breeders, both of which I think can be really nice and definitely more humane than a crate.

Sooo I'm assuming they have a spot they go at night or do they find their own?

Have you ever had just a pet dog or anything before or do they have to work to stay? The latter is understandable, personally I wish Gator woukd contribute haha

And I'm curious what the dogs do? Assuming herding? It's amazing what the dogs can do in place of humans or horses.

Honestly though I think Gator would thrive running free like that.

We have almost 3 acres but it's really not enough. He used to run off a lot when he was younger so then we tied him up and then he was better so we let him off again but then he started again so he got tied up again. For a brief period we used an e collar my dad bought but then it stopped working on him.

But my main thing is he sometimes gets bursts of energy and wants to run or chase a ball but can only go where the leash will allow him and I feel bad. He makes it work and has figured out where he can run that won't choke him but occasionally we'll toss a ball out of reach and he will choke himself getting it so I,just feel bad.

I'd love to just fence the yard in but it's so expensive. We might anyway though and there are cheaper ways to do it.

I would love to just be able to let him outside with no leash though and he can just run to his heart's content lol


Even then it would ne amazing to take him to someplace with much more land and let him run around. He doesn't run much but has bursts of energy but even just exploring would make him happy.

Plus he also goes to my grandmas sometimes down the street with my brother and that's nice but much more tight and he hates the dogs next door. And even on our place and set back he will bark at anything. He needs a nice quiet place I feel like haha
Well they all look healthy and happy

Sometimes I wonder if mine wouldn't be happier outside. I don't think he would be because he loves the bed and attention but he sleeps a lot and loves being outside aha

Anyway, I just didn't know cause I know some people have working dogs and keep them inside/as friends too but obviously you're still friends with them from the looks of it
plus i think it's usually one or two not four aha

So out of curiosity, I have a couple questions if you don't mine. I don't mean to be nosy and I'm sure outside dogs are really common most places but I'm just curious cause here they're not really, though I have heard of chain spots for pit bulls and sled dogs and runs for breeders, both of which I think can be really nice and definitely more humane than a crate.

Sooo I'm assuming they have a spot they go at night or do they find their own?

Have you ever had just a pet dog or anything before or do they have to work to stay? The latter is understandable, personally I wish Gator woukd contribute haha

And I'm curious what the dogs do? Assuming herding? It's amazing what the dogs can do in place of humans or horses.

Honestly though I think Gator would thrive running free like that.

We have almost 3 acres but it's really not enough. He used to run off a lot when he was younger so then we tied him up and then he was better so we let him off again but then he started again so he got tied up again. For a brief period we used an e collar my dad bought but then it stopped working on him.

But my main thing is he sometimes gets bursts of energy and wants to run or chase a ball but can only go where the leash will allow him and I feel bad. He makes it work and has figured out where he can run that won't choke him but occasionally we'll toss a ball out of reach and he will choke himself getting it so I,just feel bad.

I'd love to just fence the yard in but it's so expensive. We might anyway though and there are cheaper ways to do it.

I would love to just be able to let him outside with no leash though and he can just run to his heart's content lol


Even then it would ne amazing to take him to someplace with much more land and let him run around. He doesn't run much but has bursts of energy but even just exploring would make him happy.

Plus he also goes to my grandmas sometimes down the street with my brother and that's nice but much more tight and he hates the dogs next door. And even on our place and set back he will bark at anything. He needs a nice quiet place I feel like haha

Each dog has their own dog house. My dad's dog Koda has a dog house up near his room. He always sleeps as close as he can to my dad. My two dogs Shadow and Mocha along with my brother's dog Shades sleep in their dog houses near the garage. They each have their own spot they like and their own house. They are still pets but I'm assuming by pet you are meaning as in an inside dog. We prefer work dogs but once they get so old then they may retire. Even though Shadow is 10 years old and you think he would prefer to retire but if he's not working he gets restless. Their main job is herding. I wish I had photos of them herding; I'll get some eventually. They also watch over the property. Shades watches over my poultry directly. If you say chickens that's were she goes. The other three will also watch chickens too. Shades is the most excited about watching chickens. We have a fenced in yard but the dogs can get out of it while my ducks can't. Only way out of the yard other than through a gate is the porch which of course the dogs use. Other than that no a single fence to stop our dogs. The dogs no the property lines and won't step across them. Toys for our dogs include, tennis ball or whatever ball or Frisbee you throw, the 4 wheeler, the tractor, and the truck. Sometimes we will take our dogs into town like the local feed store and our dogs will never step foot out of the truck. My dogs never touch any of my birds no matter how close they are to them. Same with cats and horses. The dogs will not herd the cattle until told to.

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