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Beautiful what do you call your artistic designs - peacock orbs ??

I don't know yet. I know that the same design but with flowers is called a nose gay I believe. It's a thing I had to do for my floral class is glue flowers to a 4 inch Styrofoam ball, and, I decided I would try with my extra peacock feathers. Peacock orbs would be a good name for them. Some kids have called them peacock ball, instead of crystal ball.
I had started to write peacock balls and thought better of it, so substituted ORBS -
Got some pictures of dear that were in our yard sorry there so blurry the deer were really far from me and if I would've tried to get any closer they would have left.They don't see many people out here that aren't holding a gun.




Raz I haven't seen a tiger swallowtail in many years apart from the zoo. When we first moved here, every year we would have a swarm, herd whatever of monarchs in a particular tree resting for their next step on their journey. It was amazing but, that hasn't happened in at least 40 years. Have to think a lot of bad things come into play, weed killers, trees removed for more housing etc. What a shame. For Chicago transplants this used to be heaven. Each year something else disappears.
Raz I haven't seen a tiger swallowtail in many years apart from the zoo. When we first moved here, every year we would have a swarm, herd whatever of monarchs in a particular tree resting for their next step on their journey. It was amazing but, that hasn't happened in at least 40 years. Have to think a lot of bad things come into play, weed killers, trees removed for more housing etc. What a shame. For Chicago transplants this used to be heaven. Each year something else disappears.
Joni Mitchell sang about it several decades ago..."They took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum".

But I shan't give up hope. I will continue to plant my garden to attract butterflies, bees, birds and other wildlife as well as fruits and vegetables for human sustenance. And chickens. There will be chickens as well.

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