Farmer wants a wife

Yay for Brooke.

You could see it coming the way that when he hugged Christa throughout the show, he already had his mind made up. He would hug Christa tightly and it looked as if he was trying to remember her and he'd close his eyes real tight like he didn't want hurt her, but knew after that night, he'd never see her again.

Again, yay for Brooke
I hope she'll be very happy.
I can't stand stupid people,,, I wish I could write a script for survivor, I'd leave them on an island and check in once a week, who was the last alive or wanting to stay would be the survivor no matter how long it took.

Reality show adds are enough to make me gag.
I was so happy for Brooke. I was sweatin it for a little bit, but was so excited for her. I wish they would have a show to see what they are doing now. Ya know, if they are still together!
I know me too. I kept telling the DH, "he better pick Brooke or Im going to be really mad" I could see her making it out there. Crista was just to cityfided and I dont think she could deal with life on a farm.
I know, I was yelling that at my DH as well! Then I would KNOW he was picking Brooke. Then I would be wondering if he was not picking Brooke. I felt so bad for her because she thought she really did blow it!
We live in St. Louis, Missouri near Portage De Soux.
As you may have heard, there is major flooding along the Mississippi.
Well the other day we were watching television and a commercial came on for red cross,
talking about helping flood victims, and they had Farmer Matt on there. And I must say he looks WAY better on the show then he does on the commercial! No, they didn't say it was him, BUT his eyes look the same, his nose looks the same and he sounds the same as well. And plus, my dad gives therapy to one of the people who owns land on the farm, and it's right along the river. What do YOU think?
Matt and Brooke are not together yet... After the show was filmed they had to stay separated until it aired. It was supposed to air last fall as a fill-in for a cancellation. Brooke is supposed to move to Missouri now and they are praying about their relationship. This is what I found on the internet. We live in the general area where it was filmed. My son-in-law works with someone who knows Matt and said he had a girlfriend already. ???

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