Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

Hey guys!!!
Hi, Whats up?!
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The last two big boars we raised up were mean son of a....guns.Got them from the amish (not doing that again) but they tasted good.

Then I raised up three young ones and sold them.

Anyone else?
I drew these!!!

(They were drawn on line paper)

Is it good? I want your opinion!!
Hey guys!!! Can I join??? I don't have much of a farm, (11 animals) but I just ordered three chicks from my feed store. Since they didn't have all the breeds that I'm getting coming in all in one day, I'm getting one breed a week. March 21 I'm getting my Buff Orpington Omelette, March 28th I'm getting my Ameraucana Pippy and April 4th I'm getting my Barred Rock Hedwig. It'll be alright if they're all a week apart and living with each other right?
Hey guys!!! Can I join??? I don't have much of a farm, (11 animals) but I just ordered three chicks from my feed store. Since they didn't have all the breeds that I'm getting coming in all in one day, I'm getting one breed a week. March 21 I'm getting my Buff Orpington Omelette, March 28th I'm getting my Ameraucana Pippy and April 4th I'm getting my Barred Rock Hedwig. It'll be alright if they're all a week apart and living with each other right?
Yes you can join! Of course! This thread is actually for anyone who has animals and is interested,doesn't matter how much you have or whatever

That's awesome Brooke!
It should be alright them being a week apart,I've never had a problem with it,depends though how old are they?
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