Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

Oh, that's what I'm playing. XD Everyone says it's much better graphics. All the chicks there lay white eggs until they become prized chickens. RIR's Ameraucana's, Golden Laced Wyandottes lay white eggs???!! Hmm, never knew. (Nice one Farmville.)
GTG now bye!
People DO NOT need animals if they have NO idea what they are doing or how to take care of the animal.People are so stupid............gesh.
This happens alot with livestock,people are like "Oh! This will be fun! Weee! Lets play farmer!! :D " Then all the animals end up sick or hurt and none of the people know how to take care of them..................stupid people and poor animals.

Sorry I just needed to get that out...............
People DO NOT need animals if they have NO idea what they are doing or how to take care of the animal.People are so stupid............gesh.
This happens alot with livestock,people are like "Oh! This will be fun! Weee! Lets play farmer!! :D " Then all the animals end up sick or hurt and none of the people know how to take care of them..................stupid people and poor animals.

Sorry I just needed to get that out...............
I completely agree with you! It's sad to look at those animals, you can just tell by the person too. Those kind of people aren't responsible enough to have those animals.
People DO NOT need animals if they have NO idea what they are doing or how to take care of the animal.People are so stupid............gesh.
This happens alot with livestock,people are like "Oh! This will be fun! Weee! Lets play farmer!! :D " Then all the animals end up sick or hurt and none of the people know how to take care of them..................stupid people and poor animals.

Sorry I just needed to get that out...............
I totally agree with you. I want to get myself a few ducks but havent yet because I still need to do the proper research on raising them. I may even have jumped the gun on my chickens when I got them last summer but luckily, i started with adults that were use to being free ranged 24/7 and once I started getting babies galore (hens hid nests) I built a coop. Now that my babies are growing, Im selling them so that my coop doesnt become over crowed... What did I learn? If your gonna have a rooster with your hens, expect them to breed like rabbits...hahahaha and keep track of your nests

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