Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

I'm on the couch reading my book, when I get a text.
Me- what the? Who is this number?
*i ask* who is this?

Not 2 seconds later....
This is Ashlee Deminsky. Is this Lucas?
Me- *on the inside* ohmygodohmygodohmygod it's the 2nd most hottest girl in school next to Katie Deminsky *replies* this is he.
Her- could you help me with this problem I'm having? I may be able to repay you ;)
Me- *blushing of course* uh, sure, what is it?
Her- Well, I have to show you. I'll be over in a minute, K?(she knows where I live because Katie is one of my best friends)
((Ten Minutes Later))

M- Hey Ashlee, what is the issue?
H- well.....this is.

She brings me to her car.

H- Okay, so my engine always makes this weird sound when I start it. It's like this...
*engine releases the worst sound I've ever heard in my life on earth*
H- So, can you fix it?
*me being my typical self, crumbleing over pretty girls* sure. I'll get it to you by Sunday.
H- *kisses me on cheek* thanks!

So that's why im in here, in the garage, working on her car.
Why must I be so nice to girls?
Ya my husband always ask when are you getting off there! Welcome what kind of chickens do you have? i have orpingtons, lost some with the neighbor's dog but today the new hot wire got that little yorkie :lol:  so maybe he will stay away. hope to be getting some chicks next week.

Does anyone have livestock guardian dogs? what kind would be good to watch chickens?
Right now I have 3 leghorns an 2 production reds with my oldest which is a red sexlink, she is going on 3 yrs old not many eggs from her anymore but she is way to sweet for the cook pot! I'm a big softie when it comes to my chickens. But I have 50 chicks coming in 2 weeks, got a mixture of barred rocks, Easter eggers, red sexlinks and jersey giants!! I also have 5 guineas coming thought I would try a couple out last summer I had a baby rattler right by the steps and I have a toddler so I thought I would see if they really help keeping snakes away!

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