Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

Morgan, Sadie's not giving up her blanket/ghillie suit............

She looks really comfortable now. And I would prefer to keep my face and all my fingers, so I'm not going to bother her..........

Why dont you try asking a flower if he could help? Flowers are very helpful. Just say, "Flower, my kitten wants to eat me?" The flower shall say, "The path is to the right." Then you smile! It works every time...
Why dont you try asking a flower if he could help? Flowers are very helpful. Just say, "Flower, my kitten wants to eat me?" The flower shall say, "The path is to the right." Then you smile! It works every time...

LOL, hmmmm, well, to the right is a window, and I don't think Sadie would like it if I chucked her at a window, so I think I'm just going to get up, walk forward, then turn right and get a brownie. :D. The flower knows. O.O

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