Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

Oh,I hear the vacuum alot! Like two to three times a mom is a clean freak (Which is a good thing! She loves that vacuum....) haha We have all wood floors too. :)
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Get to go see my horse in a bit. :woot

Our LGD's a Pit Bull/Lab mix. He just showed up one day about 9 years ago and never left. Even when we first got him he NEVER touched a chicken, duck, cow, or horse. I love him to death, but he's getting old, and having some trouble keeping predators away. :(

Our other dog is a Cardigan corgi/border collie we got at a shelter. Boom-boom's training him, but he's still way too easily distracted. :p

And then there's Stella. Who is just a miracle dog. I seriously thought she would have gotten herself killed somehow by now, but nope. Morgan, I swear to god that someday soon she's gonna show up at your door, and by the time you see her I'll be halfway home. ;)
Thanks Piper,just dump the crazy dog with me......yeah,you're a great friend,you know that.
That's cool with me though! I like dogs. haha My whole family are animal lovers.....come to my place someday and you will understand. haha

Well,I got to go bottle fed the babies again.
Thanks Piper,just dump the crazy dog with me......yeah,you're a great friend,you know that.

That's cool with me though! I like dogs. haha My whole family are animal lovers.....come to my place someday and you will understand. haha

Well,I got to go bottle fed the babies again. :frow

You see, I know you guys love animals, that's why I can dump her with you, because I know you won't kill her least not within the first five minutes or so. ;)

She's REALLY pretty though, for all her craziness.

I was just looking through my pictures and saw old pictures of Potato:

When I first brought her in, 1 month old:


Two weeks later, she was actually looking WAY better by then:




And at three months. She actually looks like a real chicken:


She four months old now, and even prettier.Now she's more of a gold and rusty red color, with shimmery black that looks green in sunlight. She's looks less like a potato and more like a hen. :p I'll have to get pictures soon.
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