Farmer's and rancher's chat thread!

Nope I live in Canada. Lol wow haha I've never been in a earthquake. Actually I technically have but it was so small I didn't feel it. Hah
I have chicks!!!!! My honey said he saw one hatched chick last night out in the coop. I got home from work after dark but I will check today and see what I have out there. Pictures to be posted soon!!!!
It looks like I only had one hatch from my black hen. She abandoned her nest after that one chick hatched
I still have one other hen that is on a nest so we will see what she does

Babe is my red hen and this is her nest. This black hen is the one that hatched one chick and abandoned the rest of her eggs but as of last night is now sharing Babe's nest. Im not even sure she still has her one chick under her as well or not.
I hat 47 eggs in the incubator. 9 hatched and only 3 survives... found my toddler sneaking the stool in there and opening it

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