Farmyard Bizzaro- diary on a crazy farmyard's days (Geese and Chickens)

Very cool I love your coop
love.gif there has been some BAD news here my side!!!! Our new dog, Sasha is a Boer Boel (never get that type if you are getting/have chickens) and when she was a puppy she was VERY freindly with the chickens!! Then, one morning there were about 2 chickens dead on the lawn...when we did a check on them we found out it was her!!! So...she has not killed about 130 of the girls/boys and now there are only 30 left!! I am very ,ad at her and punished her badly!! Anyway we are trying to sell her!!

There it i....the BAD news
If them am *real* Bizzaro Chickens the roosters should lay square eggs with shell on inside, and unbroody roosters sit on baby chicks which build shell around them and then get re absorbed into broody roo

Bizarro chickens am really bad!


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