Faster developing comb = cock/roo?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 12, 2012
Chattanooga, TN
I can post more pictures if needed, but its a quick question.

If some of my chicks are developing combs quicker than the others is that certain its a roo?

I bought 3 straight run chicks and just hoped that I got pullets, but the farmer will buy them back if they are roo's. I would rather take them back sooner than later, so I don't get too attached to them. The ones in question are 'June' the Yellow, and 'Martha' the barred rock, (even though you can't see the comb in this pic)

Also, are there any 'roo characteristics that are exhibited about 2-3 weeks? 'June' the yellow one is pretty assertive, and is always the first to walk up to my dog.

Roo combs do grow faster and they do tend to be more aggressive or bold even as chicks. I think it's too hard to tell at this point, you'll have to wait a bit longer to find out for sure IMO.
All I know is that different breeds have different size combs...and some show up earlier than other breeds...hard to compare between 3 different ones. I'd give it a little more time
That barred rock is a boy, I'm 1000% sure. They have 2 barring genes whereas the females only have one, so the males are much, MUCH more white. That is a boy if I've ever seen one.

Edited to add: Keep an eye on the combs. If they suddenly grow huge and turn pink around 4-6 weeks, that is a sign of male chicks. You can see many being posted right now - see the thread about bantam chicks (they have a certain roo).
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