Faverolles Thread

My daughter reading Tori a bedtime story:

She might not win any standard Faverolles beauty pageants, but we don't care :)
omg! So cute!
I just had share a few pics of my LF Favs courtesy of a wonderful gift of eggs from Elizm

Hoping they are both pullets - they are 2 weeks old today!

They were being camera shy today. There was a possibility of a splash - would that explain the lighter color of the upper chick? So impressed by these little ones that I have already contacted her about getting pullets :) No roosters allowed where I live unfortunately.
I just had share a few pics of my LF Favs courtesy of a wonderful gift of eggs from Elizm

Hoping they are both pullets - they are 2 weeks old today!

They were being camera shy today. There was a possibility of a splash - would that explain the lighter color of the upper chick?
Unfortunately not. Chicks can range from light yellow bordering on white to yellow-orange. Splash cockerels start to feather out white, and splash pullets look no different at first from any other salmon pullet. I'm guessing that top chick is a light colored cockerel, going by the dark shoulder feathers.
Quick question for you all - how well do adult Favs fly? I have a 6ft fence and am hoping not to have to clip wings ( of course I was hoping for all pullets too
). We live in town and escaping chickens isn't always appreciated.

My Favs don't fly well. 4 foot fences aren't too difficult for them, but they are pretty content behind them. I do have a pair that likes to try and roost on the top bar of the garage pen (6 feet) but, alas, when the hay bales are stacked too short for a good jump off point and the ladder isn't leaning against it for that extra boost, the poor kids can't seem to get enough umph to make it that high!
My Favs don't fly well. 4 foot fences aren't too difficult for them, but they are pretty content behind them. I do have a pair that likes to try and roost on the top bar of the garage pen (6 feet) but, alas, when the hay bales are stacked too short for a good jump off point and the ladder isn't leaning against it for that extra boost, the poor kids can't seem to get enough umph to make it that high!

That is exactly what I was hoping to hear!

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