Faverolles Thread

One concern I have is if we get up to 115' this year.. I haven't heard of to many people that have this breed in Arizona.. We have a biefelder and she seems to breathe harder than all of the other's.. Our silkie Cheryl has done fine the last 2 summers.. She has moe feathers than our fav's do.. Now we get to come up with names.. Any suggestions ?

Oh also, not sure if we posted this find.. It is a porcelain egg coddler for poached egg's.. Even enough room to add vegetables..
Salmon Faverolles have always been one of my all time favorite breeds coming in second only to Black Minorcas. I had a pair when I was a young and I found them entrancing with their gentleness and odd features. For years I have wanted to get some but always found them a bit pricey. I usually buy assortments from hatcheries like Murrays and Meyers and Cackle because you can get some really nice birds for a much discounted price. Plus I like variety in my flock with lots of different colors and shapes and sizes :). But still to date had never gotten any Faverolles in those assortments. So this year after placing my order with Murrays for 50 assorted pullets, I resolved that if I didn't get any in this assortment I would finally break down and buy some outright. The day the chicks arrived low and behold there they were,, 4 little chickies in the assortment with puffy faces looking like a hamster that had just stuffed it's cheeks. I knew even before picking them up to check for extra toes that they were what I had been hoping for. You can not imagine my delight in finding these little fluffballs in my assortment.
Now it is eight weeks later and low and behold,, of the 4,, 1 has turned out to be a beautiful roo with 3 cute little hens that follow him everywhere. I can not be more happy :)
Salmon Faverolles have always been one of my all time favorite breeds coming in second only to Black Minorcas. I had a pair when I was a young and I found them entrancing with their gentleness and odd features. For years I have wanted to get some but always found them a bit pricey. I usually buy assortments from hatcheries like Murrays and Meyers and Cackle because you can get some really nice birds for a much discounted price. Plus I like variety in my flock with lots of different colors and shapes and sizes :). But still to date had never gotten any Faverolles in those assortments. So this year after placing my order with Murrays for 50 assorted pullets, I resolved that if I didn't get any in this assortment I would finally break down and buy some outright. The day the chicks arrived low and behold there they were,, 4 little chickies in the assortment with puffy faces looking like a hamster that had just stuffed it's cheeks. I knew even before picking them up to check for extra toes that they were what I had been hoping for. You can not imagine my delight in finding these little fluffballs in my assortment.
Now it is eight weeks later and low and behold,, of the 4,, 1 has turned out to be a beautiful roo with 3 cute little hens that follow him everywhere. I can not be more happy :)

Lucky you!!!
Hi!! We have one little two-week chick we’d love to figure out whether it’s a boy or girl! It does have some black, but seems to be mainly dark brown? Or is it too early to tell? I’d love to hear your opinion!

Hi all saw a warning on one of the Washington state FB pages that there is a Hatchery in IOWA, Rock River Poultry, that has been quarantined for AI, pending testing. Has sent eggs and chicks to 4 hatcheries in Louisiana and many folks who have purchased from them…those who have purchased are being sought. It was asked to be aware of and not purchase any poultry eggs or chicks. I am posting this so everyone can research the truth and see how it applies to each of us.
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Hi all saw a warning on one of the Washington state FB pages that there is a Hatchery in IOWA that has been quarantined for AI, pending testing. Has sent to 4 hatcheries in Louisiana and many folks who have purchased from them…those who have purchased are being sought. It was asked to be aware of and not purchase any poultry eggs or chicks. I am posting this so everyone can research the truth and see how it applies to each of us.

Our thread here in Arizona got a link to an article about it. For people in Arizona received eggs and chicks. I couldn't read the whole article because it kept shutting down on my ipad.. thanks
Hi all saw a warning on one of the Washington state FB pages that there is a Hatchery in IOWA, Rock River Poultry, that has been quarantined for AI, pending testing. Has sent eggs and chicks to 4 hatcheries in Louisiana and many folks who have purchased from them…those who have purchased are being sought. It was asked to be aware of and not purchase any poultry eggs or chicks. I am posting this so everyone can research the truth and see how it applies to each of us.
This has happened to others. What happened to a NC poultry owner could happen to any of us.

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