Faverolles Thread

My first Faverolles! She got picked up today with this Pekin. Currently they are in quarantine together.

What colour would you say she is? She's a bantam :)

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Do favs scratch as much as normal birds? I know they have feathered feet?
Most favs don't scratch much, if at all, but... it can be a learned behavior from watching other chickens take the lead. Both my silkies and my favs do scratch, which is not typical for the breeds. I'm pretty sure it's been a learned behavior from being raised with leghorn chicks.

My salmon favorelle chick! She has quickly become one of out favorites in terms of temperament and personality! She walks right into your hand and falls asleep. I had her out in the garden with me yesterday when I was planting beans, she stayed fairly close trying to me eat the bugs out of the holes I was digging :)
In my experience, Favs are a quite passive breed in most aspects. In a mixed flock they are the least aggressive and most apt to be picked on. When I put them on grass, they do the least amount of scratching as my other birds. (Welsummers & Erminettes). They seem to be more comfortable in their permanent runs, than out and about - judging by egg laying performance. Its possible some lines are more aggressive foragers, I just haven't seen it with mine.

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