Faverolles Thread

Agreed, I love my Favs, but my barnyard kids are a lot of fun too! I hope to get Araucanas
Did you see those georgeous Favacaunas that were mentioned earlier? I may have to try that mix out.
Can't wait for the Congress show. In my years of showing birds around New England I was usually the only person showing large Faverolles. In the bantams my friend Eddie and I would compete. Sorry to say Eddie doesn't have them anymore. It's possible we could have five exhibitors showing large Faverolles. For years I have been breeding bantams in all kinds of colors. I don't have these anymore and starting this breeding season I will be concentrating on salmon bantams and salmon large. This is where my focus will be. I'm excited to start this breeding season. By right I should be hatching now. Reason being is to have your cockerels and pullets ready for the fall shows. By that time they should be through their first moult. By me hatching later, come the fall shows, a lot of my birds are going through their moult so it's impossible to show them.
Reason I don't hatch early is because it gets so cold up here and I feel you need to be their to pick up eggs right away so they don't freeze. One year I did try to hatch early but I had a lot of chicks die in the shell. I attributed that to picking up eggs that were to cold. I should be retiring in November so hopefully next year I can start to hatch early. My coops are old and need a lot of work. For the past 4 to 5 years I've just been raising my birds for my own enjoyment. I let a lot of things go on my coops, so now I need to apply myself to get things fixed. I have the bug to show again. Can't wait for the Congress show and I can't wait for the breeding season. I still have a ton of work to do with my birds. I feel the fun is in the journey of trying to get that perfect bird. But, as we all know there is no such thing.
If I were on the East Coast, I'd be going! I'd love to meet all you Nor' England breeders, and Dick I'd like to shake your hand and just hang out to absorb some knowledge from you! I'm pleased to hear you might be showing (again). That's great news....

I think you're right about "the fun is in the journey of trying to get that perfect bird," - if breeding perfect birds was easy, it would quickly lose it's appeal. I'm anxious to see what the season holds
Yes! How fun is that?!

I was looking at somebody's album and I saw a pullet in the back of a pic - she looked like a silky/araucana mix, she was gorgeous!
Wll that mix will NOT happen here! My Araucana is a one roo girl. My Fav is her main squeeze. She runs our silkie roo off.
Even though she is more size compatable with the silkie than the Fav. Walter (Fav) is like 3 of her but he is ever the gentleman. Of course he is top roo and gets his pic but she is also his favorite.
I like #1 best, he's nice. His shoulder lacing is very nice (IMHO!) I don't have anything quite like that...
I don't think I've ever had one with too much foot feathering....

That last guy has a huge beard!

This spring will be my first year to have quality birds to work with, so I'm new to breeding these kids....I have 6 pullets and 3 cockerels fit for breeding. The oldest cockerel (about 8 months) may not stay around long, he wants to be aggressive (toward me) sporadically....Other than that, I think his confirmation is nice and he is sooo wide. The 2 younger boys are too young to tell yet (14 weeks), but they're coming along nicely...

You're right - choosing from pictures would be very difficult..... I just realized, if you're going to school in Seattle, you're just up the road from me an hour or so :)
You should see his father! Nice clean lacing on the shoulders. It's so hard to keep it in the boys the longer I breed them though. ): I'm not sure why it is.

The father - http://jorgensenwaterfowl.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=151970914

The lacing, other then size/type of course, has been my biggest project. My original rooster, these boy's great grandfather now, was actually a large bantam I bred up to LF size. Although I got all the qualities I wanted in the shoulders and toes, I had no idea at the time how big of a project it would be to get them back to size. Only this last year, am I truly happy with their size. They're as wide and big as the birds I got from Karen Polley now, which are some pretty big birds.

Wow, it's nice to know there's someone nearby who likes them as much as I do. I always keep a back-up boy until I know that my young ones are good for breeding (usually 11 months at least), in case anything happened to them. I try not to keep aggressive or overly nervous birds though, since It seems to show up in the offspring.

:) You can email me if you ever have any questions about the flock, or if you just want to talk chickens.
If I were on the East Coast, I'd be going! I'd love to meet all you Nor' England breeders, and Dick I'd like to shake your hand and just hang out to absorb some knowledge from you! I'm pleased to hear you might be showing (again). That's great news....

I think you're right about "the fun is in the journey of trying to get that perfect bird," - if breeding perfect birds was easy, it would quickly lose it's appeal. I'm anxious to see what the season holds

Thanks, but I'll be doing some breedings this year that might go against the grain. TYPE is number one. We can't lose sight of that. Read the Standard of Perfection...if possibe, once a day till it's ingrained in your brain. We all know there is no perfect bird out there. Breed pluses to minuses realizing not all hatched from the breeding will carry what your looking for......but if you can get a few. Again, I'll say is read the Standard and develope the EYE..
Thanks, but I'll be doing some breedings this year that might go against the grain. TYPE is number one. We can't lose sight of that. Read the Standard of Perfection...if possibe, once a day till it's ingrained in your brain. We all know there is no perfect bird out there. Breed pluses to minuses realizing not all hatched from the breeding will carry what your looking for......but if you can get a few. Again, I'll say is read the Standard and develope the EYE..

Just what I have been trying to do ever since I got back into them! The more I read the standard the better I am at seeing it (or lack of) in my birds. I can only hope I have improved upon where I started, and while I will probably have my girls wind up somewhere in the middle of the class, it will be wonderful to begin showing seriously again... and there is always the hope that they will measure up better then expected

Great advice Dick
< (Dick LOL)
Thanks, but I'll be doing some breedings this year that might go against the grain. TYPE is number one. We can't lose sight of that. Read the Standard of Perfection...if possibe, once a day till it's ingrained in your brain. We all know there is no perfect bird out there. Breed pluses to minuses realizing not all hatched from the breeding will carry what your looking for......but if you can get a few. Again, I'll say is read the Standard and develope the EYE..
Still a newby here, i would also mention to see as many birds as you can to try and see the differences in each of them....I began with hatchery LF Salmons and still have an original son and pick up a few chicks at the farm store every year....but once you have some from breeders that really take the form seriously.....wow what a difference.

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