Faverolles Thread

I don't know what the situation is over there, but over here, vaccinations aren't necessarily the panacea they are sometimes thought to be, IMHO. (Other than, perhaps, the day-old Marek's vaccine.) A lot of people don't realize that, with some vaccinations, the bird can shed skin cells that can migrate to other birds, thereby infecting them with the disease, even though the bird that shed them is immune. There was a huge outbreak a few years ago because someone vaccinated their bird, which then spread the disease to many others. Those birds then took the disease home to their flocks, and devastated them. Be very careful, and talk to a lot of people before you vaccinate.

Don't dismiss that hen with the black flecks. If she shows good type as an adult, she can be used to produce good cockerels, who need the black.

Sorry, I do not mean to derail, but do you know which vaccines cause chickens to shed actively contagious virus?
There is a bit of confusion about the "live" vs. the "dead" vaccines, and I am not an authority on either. I have heard of shedding with mareks, fowl pox, and laryngo vaccines, but again, I don't know which version. There was a question within my club awhile back, and it was very, very difficult to find reliable information about the vaccines on the web, because almost all vaccines are created for the industry, and the shedding is not an issue, since all the birds are in one building anyway. It's only when the birds travel that the shedding can create problems. Even here on BYC it was hard to separate fact from opinion. I will tell you I get most of my information from First State Vet Supply - Doc Brown. As a result of these difficulties, I have chosen not to vaccinate my birds, and take the gamble that others will be aware of the consequences of vaccination. I simply can't find out enough solid information to make me take the leap to do it myself. I'm not going to put someone else's flock at risk because I didn't get enough information. Knock-on-wood, I've been ok so far.
As I said, I know nothing about showing and have everything to learn! :idunno I just noticed that there seemed to be much more detail given about what toes should look like verses any other characteristic. Perhaps I should shush and spend more time reading? lol!

No no I know nothing either lol I was just curious :)
Thanks guys, you've really made me feel much better about everything. I look forward to meeting you Jeanine and learning all I can about Favs. I'm mostly pretty quiet on these forums, just like to read and learn from others. I'll post some pics of my birds one of these days.

Thanks guys, you've really made me feel much better about everything. I look forward to meeting you Jeanine and learning all I can about Favs. I'm mostly pretty quiet on these forums, just like to read and learn from others. I'll post some pics of my birds one of these days.


Hi Cloverwood! My apologies as well, we're glad you're here and I think both you and Jeanine are doing the right thing
.....don't be a "lurker!" We'd love for you to be part of the "conversations" - and yes, you should post some pics of your birds
(we live for that around here!)
There is a bit of confusion about the "live" vs. the "dead" vaccines, and I am not an authority on either. I have heard of shedding with mareks, fowl pox, and laryngo vaccines, but again, I don't know which version. There was a question within my club awhile back, and it was very, very difficult to find reliable information about the vaccines on the web, because almost all vaccines are created for the industry, and the shedding is not an issue, since all the birds are in one building anyway. It's only when the birds travel that the shedding can create problems. Even here on BYC it was hard to separate fact from opinion. I will tell you I get most of my information from First State Vet Supply - Doc Brown. As a result of these difficulties, I have chosen not to vaccinate my birds, and take the gamble that others will be aware of the consequences of vaccination. I simply can't find out enough solid information to make me take the leap to do it myself. I'm not going to put someone else's flock at risk because I didn't get enough information. Knock-on-wood, I've been ok so far.

As far as my research has led me, neither the vaccine available to the public nor the ones used at hatcheries can make a chicken shed live chicken Marek's disease. The only live vaccine they are ever given for Marek's is a turkey version of the virus, which cannot become symptomatic in chickens. This misconception has falsely scared many people away from the vaccine for Marek's.
I will need to research fowl pox and laryngo.
I just got what I was told were faveralles, possibly a pair. They were an impulse purchase as I was buying other breeds from a very nice lady. She had lost her favs to a predator but thinks these came from them before she lost them. I know their not pure breed due to one has 4 toes. My ? Is how many varieties of this breed and what would some be?
I just got what I was told were faveralles, possibly a pair. They were an impulse purchase as I was buying other breeds from a very nice lady. She had lost her favs to a predator but thinks these came from them before she lost them. I know their not pure breed due to one has 4 toes. My ? Is how many varieties of this breed and what would some be?
Occasionally 4 toes will pop up, so it's not unheard of. Do you have pictures?

As far as varieties go, the most common is salmon. The rarer varieties are blue salmon, white, black, blue and splash. Only a small number of breeders have those colors. Buff , Ermine and cuckoo can be found in the UK.
Occasionally 4 toes will pop up, so it's not unheard of. Do you have pictures?

As far as varieties go, the most common is salmon. The rarer varieties are blue salmon, white, black, blue and splash. Only a small number of breeders have those colors. Buff , Ermine and cuckoo can be found in the UK.

I have a few pics not sure if they will help.




From what I've seen of salmon chicks they are white not colored like this.

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