Faverolles Thread

There is a bit of confusion about the "live" vs. the "dead" vaccines, and I am not an authority on either.  I have heard of shedding with mareks, fowl pox, and laryngo vaccines, but again, I don't know which version.   There was a question within my club awhile back, and it was very, very difficult to find reliable information about the vaccines on the web, because almost all vaccines are created for the industry, and the shedding is not an issue, since all the birds are in one building anyway. It's only when the birds travel that the shedding can create problems.  Even here on BYC it was hard to separate fact from opinion.  I will tell you I get most of my information from First State Vet Supply - Doc Brown.  As a result of these difficulties, I have chosen not to vaccinate my birds, and take the gamble that others will be aware of the consequences of vaccination.  I simply can't find out enough solid information to make me take the leap to do it myself.  I'm not going to put someone else's flock at risk because I didn't get enough information. Knock-on-wood, I've been ok so far.

As far as my research has led me, neither the vaccine available to the public nor the ones used at hatcheries can make a chicken shed live chicken Marek's disease. The only live vaccine they are ever given for Marek's is a turkey version of the virus, which cannot become symptomatic in chickens. This misconception has falsely scared many people away from the vaccine for Marek's.
I will need to research fowl pox and laryngo.
I was told that the mareks vaccine for the older birds did shed some cells at the vaccination site, and that the quarantine period for them was as long as three months. Sorry for the confusion. I did read that for one of the vaccines the birds shed for rest of their lives, but I'd have to back over my research to find which one that was. I know all of this confusion causes a bit of a panic, and I don't want to be the cause of another. That's why I always caution folks to do a great deal of research before vaccination. Unfortunately, like I said before, the facts are very hard to find, and I found many conflicting statements, so it was really hard to know what was the real story. Even my vet had a hard time finding information about them. Based on that difficulty, I decided not to vaccinate until I feel confident I know for sure what the consequences are, both to my own flock as well as others.
I didn't see this question get answered but five toes is a must if you are breeding and showing for sure. If they don't have the five they can be DQd. I say this having stewarded this weekend.
This is a breed I'm interested in. I have I know these birds are rare and would like good stock at some point.
If the 2 chicks are not of a specific variety they will be put into my egg producing barn yard flock. As I already know the 4 toes will.
I raise SQ RIR and want to get to SQ on all my breeds. I will always keep a barn yard mix but want quality birds for breeding.
Yes they have yellow legs, like I said after a lil research they didn't seem to fit the bill. The lady said she wasn't sure but thought maybe. I think she may have been hoping cause she wanted some chicks if they were.
I got a few birds from her that day for free so I'm not upset that their not favs but woulda been cool if they were.
After researching a lil I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some at one point or another!!
Thanks guys, you've really made me feel much better about everything. I look forward to meeting you Jeanine and learning all I can about Favs. I'm mostly pretty quiet on these forums, just like to read and learn from others. I'll post some pics of my birds one of these days.

HI, i look forward to meeting You too and often go to the shows thou i have yet to bring birds....Jeanine is a wonderful giving person, but I, coming from another livestock history, there were several times that someone did name their operation the same as an already well established and known farm and it really became confusing and some were deliberately dishonest. By coming here so we can hear your side and meet you too allows us to understand and establish a history with You too....Jeanine has taken time to build her credibility and reputation and its natural to be protective of it.

Best Wishes to You , please continue to share, eliz
n8ivetxn... didn't you have some chicks due to be hatching over the weekend?

My little fav hen hatched one chick! On Sunday I shuffled through all the eggs the others layed on top of her
and found the one with the piece of tape (still never found the others I had marked) and it had a little hole in it, so I put it back..... I kept peeking in the coop for a couple of days and I couldn't tell anything, but the hen sure looked more perky
and today before I left for work I checked on the birds and the hen was out in the run with a little yellow puff ball running around her

Now, the funny part - one of my barnyard girls has decided to keep sitting on the nest of eggs! So, I could have another batch of chicks soon (you need some?

I'll get a pic up soon!
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Yes! :woot My little fav hen hatched one chick! On Sunday I shuffled through all the eggs the others layed on top of her :rolleyes: and found the one with the piece of tape (still never found the others I had marked) and it had a little hole in it, so I put it back..... I kept peeking in the coop for a couple of days and I couldn't tell anything, but the hen sure looked more perky :p and today before I left for work I checked on the birds and the hen was out in the run with a little yellow puff ball running around her :love

Now, the funny part - one of my barnyard girls has decided to keep sitting on the nest of eggs! So, I could have another batch of chicks soon (you need some? ;) )

I'll get a pic up soon!

Oh what fun! That will be one highly doted on single chick. Can't wait to see the pics.

And I'm always a sucker for excess chickens... send 'em my way! LOL!

I'm getting anxious for my broody's nest to hatch. I need to check the caledar to see for sure how much time she has left.

I won't have any Fav chicks until next year. I can't wait!
Are good toes a must? I was looking at our scoring and there are just 5 points allocated to toes which seemed no more or less than any other thing such as colour etc?

Always use a bird with the best toes that you can. And what I mean by that is, if you have two cocks that are very similar in every other aspect, but one has better toes than the other, use that one. Toes are one of those things that need to be considered, but in my opinion, some people put too much emphasis on. There are only a handful of things associated with toes that I will cull for, and they are: 1. missing 5th toe; 2. the 4th and 5th toes share the same joint; 3. the 5th toe actually grows out of the 4th toe (think "crab claw"); and 4. the 4th and 5th toes are completely fused.

Again, IDEAL is called IDEAL for a reason, but that doesn't mean that anything less than IDEAL isn't usable. Yet another aspect that must be watched for, just like anything else. And just like any other trait, if you know the strengths and weaknesses in your flock, you know what to cull for. ;)

As far as judging in a show, a 5th toe is a 5th toe, I think I had to hear that from three judges before I believed it LOL. But, again, if the judge is looking at two birds that are scoring very closely in every other way, the toes are going to be one of those deciding factors, like points on the comb, etc.

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