Faverolles Thread

Doublecreek Favorelles out of Texas. She's a great breeder and very easy to work with. She sells pullets during fall. I love mine! If I had found her sooner, I would have bought 5 but I had already bought 13 other chicks.
This is Fluffy. She is 6 months old.

Her easter egger sister is in the pic too.
She's so pretty! I love my girl and they a favorite breed of mine. And they say when you have one in a mixed flock they are at the bottom bcuz they are so mellow, but my girl a sweetheart, a terrible egg layer, and at the top of my mixed flock of 12. At least until the cockerel gets older.
Look at this handsome Noodle! He's such a sweet guy. He doesn't crow yet, only makes cute little goo goo noises. He was hatched the second week of June.

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