Faverolles Thread

What does everyone think about me crossing lines? I have heard it can result in some weird birds but that might be for just marans. My plan is crossing birds from hattrick, rose isgrig, leisha comer, and dick bourlangers lines. I am assuming that one lines shortcoming will be complemented by anothers strenghths hypothetical ex. (The bourlanger birds have superb color but are lacking in type and the isgrig birds have wonderful type but not perfect color) I am assuming crossing two good examples of these lines crossed together would produce a % of offspring with both good color and type.
I have a mixed flock and they're fine, but none of my chickens is known to be aggresive. With any flock, there are always underdogs. Usually the top hens just give a peck to the lower hens. Not a big deal.
Favs are good for cold weather, mine pant alot in the 90 degree summers here in Florida. My buff orp was alpha female, never gets picked on and doesn't pick on anyone else. My favorites aside from the real sweet favs are my Jersey Giants, good layers, big eggs, and very mellow. I think I will always have them. Favs are pretty good layers, but orps are better layers. My Jerseys and Polish are the most inquisitive, love to see what I'm doing. 2 of my favs like to come to me and "talk". One loves to be picked up. If you mix favs, just pick real mellow breeds to go with them. I can't say they get picked on, but they do recieve a peck when food's involved. You will not be disappointed with favs.
I think this is a good idea, personally. In a breed with such small numbers I think it's important to mix up the bloodlines occasionally to reinforce positive traits and help weed out negatives and prevent too much inbreeding.
I think this is a good idea, personally. In a breed with such small numbers I think it's important to mix up the bloodlines occasionally to reinforce positive traits and help weed out negatives and prevent too much inbreeding.

Thanks candachan that just what I wanted to hear.
I agree with this one too! After all, most of them started off with one flock...I bet it was Dick Boulanger's Faverolles because if I remember right, he imported them.
Thanks ewesheep I didn't know that Dick Bourlanger was so important in the importation of Faverolles thats really cool. SO I guess we are working with a pretty small amount of birds and bloodlines. I really hope it works out and makes some great and really healthy birds.
I have heard its really really expensive to do. You have to quarentine birds for a month or two and pay for their care and boarding in a quarentine facility. You may not even be able to import birds after the avian flu thing. I know you can import eggs but its very difficult to do also. You need to to allot of paperwork and it costs a pretty penny the breeder on the other end also has to do alot of testing and paperwork. Its a complicated and expensive process but it could be worth it if you find a great breeder.
Rose did that a couple years ago, imported a doz eggs and only got a pullet out of it. All the paperwork, going thru customs, having the eggs in the carry on and more paperwork, it costed her $1500 not including airfare to and from France. Talk about very expensive pullet! She told us members that she will NOT do this again.

I do not know about the importation ban but I think in only certain countries they would not allow you to bring in birds, coming in from Far East countries would bar you from importing the birds here. I have a friend that he is going to import a few Welsummer bantams from Holland/Netherlands next year but you can bet, he will be paying thru the nose for those! That is why his stock is so expensive, to recover some of the costs that he paid for them. Same for Greenfire Farms with their Sussex birds.

Purchasing eggs off from Ebay is strongly discouraged. They used to do that but not anymore due to the strict government regulations on both shores. Best bet is to get your birds directly from the imported bird owner if you need new blood or new color.
Thats to bad she only got one to hatch. I am defently not interested in importing any birds way to expensive for me. So far I haven't found any faverolles to be to expensive I did contact Dick but he forwarded me to Leisha. The most I haved payed so far is $40 for 18 eggs I didn't think that was to bad for nice stock from good breeders.

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