Faverolles Thread

Ok sounds good

In the lab we would probably amputate a toe, but I figured that would be a nicer method.
Just remember which toe is painted on which chick, keep a chart if you must!

Oh that wouldn't work. I think that will work hopefully.

I have 42 eggs in there. 3 due the 19th and the rest due in 21 days.

I just had to brag that my first Fav baby FROM MY OWN STOCK just hatched!!!!!!!! woot (I've hatched my own mixes, but this is my first pure fav chick). I'm so excited, this is nuts! This is way cooler than hatching chicks from someone else's birds! hee hee hee celebrate

And yes, I will post a pic as soon as it's up and about and fluffy!!

I can't wait to see a picture! (I've been lurking on this thread
I can't wait to see a picture! (I've been lurking on this thread

Welcome to the thread
Hello Henry and Fav fans,

Just wanted to say hi and let you know that the Splash cockeral is doing great. He is filling out nicely and has a beautiful tail coming in.

So I have been keeping an eye on this thread and I see you are building quite a Faverolles empire.
Let me see if I am keeping up...
You have 7 Faverolles now with another adult pair on the way. 24 Fav eggs in the incubator along with 18 Blue laced red wyandotte eggs. Then, another 18 Fav eggs on the way after the first batch hatches out. That's 9 adults and 60 chicks, if they all hatch.

When you get your two new adults, I am certain you'll want to breed them with your current flock, so I'm sure the incubator will not cool down for long!

As Nikki so wisely advises, you really have to keep your young birds into adulthood in order to select the birds with the most desirable traits, and be sure you're not culling potentially superior birds. It's only then that you can decide which of those you will cross breed to continue refining your line.

It sounds to me like you are going to have your hands (and your yard) FULL come springtime!! Better start mass producing more runs!

I could use a few more girls for ScoobieRoo to play with. If you happen to find yourself with a couple extra pullets, just let me know!
Its not as bad as it sounds
realistically the most eggs I will set this spring is 100 probably resulting in less than 75 chicks. After selling the LF flock I have lots of room. I will probablly sell or give away 25 chicks right away and grow out 50. I will use the chicken tractor for 15 chicks and I will build another pvc run and use it as a tractor for growing out. I figure if my coop can fit 15 LF it can fit 20 bantams.

We will see how it ends up panning out I know I will probably have to build another tractor for growing out.

Alright I will just say this now I am probably drastically underestamating the number of breeder qualitybirds I will end up with I am sure I will have chicks eggs and started stock for sale in spring and early summer.
hey Henry, i see you've been busy these past few days! i think mixing up the different lines is a good idea. that way you don't have too many closely related birds breeding together.

would you be willing to send only 6 eggs instead of 12 when you have them again? i have a broody little cochin who i am testing out with 6..no...er...now 8 eggs...got to mark those under her before others add more again. mine will be a mix of bantam cochin roo over other bantams-2 salmon favs, 1 black cochin, 2 partridge wyadottes, 1 black sizzle, and a buff brahma. i can't wait to see what the SF cross chicks will look like if any hatch!

as for marking your chicks, i've seen someone use the colored pull ties you would get at a hardware store as leg bands. just make sure to clip them off the chicks as they get larger and the bands get tighter.
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Chickie'sMoma :

hey Henry, i see you've been busy these past few days! i think mixing up the different lines is a good idea. that way you don't have too many closely related birds breeding together.

would you be willing to send only 6 eggs instead of 12 when you have them again? i have a broody little cochin who i am testing out with 6..no...er...now 8 eggs...got to mark those under her before others add more again. mine will be a mix of bantam cochin roo over other bantams-2 salmon favs, 1 black cochin, 2 partridge wyadottes, 1 black sizzle, and a buff brahma. i can't wait to see what the SF cross chicks will look like if any hatch!

as for marking your chicks, i've seen someone use the colored pull ties you would get at a hardware store as leg bands. just make sure to clip them off the chicks as they get larger and the bands get tighter.

Yup I'm defently going to end up with lots of favs from diffrent lines.

6 peobably works better and can be sent out sooner then 12. When will you be ready for them? I might get those ties I already have black and clear and that may be all I need. I would be worried about getting them off the chicks legs I might just mark the chicks from my eggs with green dotes until they are old enough for spiral bands. I am getting 4 colors of spiral band. 1 for pure hattrick, 1 for pure isgrig, 1 for isgrigxhattrick and an extra possibly if I get the comer cockeral or the RI trio.


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