Faverolles Thread

heh, i noticed your name on there a few hours ago! i'm not bidding against you so it has to be someone else from here we haven't met yet!

Henry, did you happen to know if Liesha has just the salmon favs or does she have other colors she'll sell? i'd love to find a bantam mahogany roo to match up with my Chloe.
Chickie'sMoma :

heh, i noticed your name on there a few hours ago! i'm not bidding against you so it has to be someone else from here we haven't met yet!

Henry, did you happen to know if Liesha has just the salmon favs or does she have other colors she'll sell? i'd love to find a bantam mahogany roo to match up with my Chloe.

I actually won it in the last 30 seconds what a rush wow it took me a while to figure out the proxy bid thing
If its anyone from here let them know I will sell them started stock this spring or eggs from these birds and other great bloodlines!

I think Leisha has salmons, blue salmons, buff, and blue. Not sure about Mahogany thats a really cool color though.

I sent the other bidder and email if they respond I think I will offer them a dozen for the price of shipping I gotta spread the faverolles love
Are five toes dominant?

I crossed a Partridge Cochin roo over my Salmon Faverolle and I just got feathered legs.

I'm guessing they are recessive?
Not sure I am interested in hearing though. I thought they were dominant but maybe they are incomplete or its a crap shoot what you get. I am going to look in my genetics book.

in the mean time experts?
Henry, if you are selling chicks, what age will you be shipping them at and will you be able to sex them? Also what is the minimum of birds you will ship? I am only looking for a small number, 2-3. That's one of the reasons I might just go with 6 eggs.

I should have my coop ready by the end of the month, but weather has put a big delay on things here.
Hey Candachan,
I don't plan on selling many chicks because I don't have enough birds to hatch and sell 10-25 chicks at a time which would be the best number to ship. I would consider shipping 2 or 3 started birds that I would be able to sex but they would cost quite a bit more to ship. I would go with eggs if I were you its less expensive and even though you aren't garunteed chicks it makes more sensce for someone who isn't going to end up with a breeding flock of the birds.
Sigh . . . Cloverleaf Farm those chick pics are just too cute! I keep going back to look at them to tide me over 'til mine hatch. This is going to be such a long week . . . my Faves are due to hatch next Mon/Tues. At least I have several chicken related projects to occupy me in the next week. I'm making me a new "in the house" brooder and reconstructing my big "in the coop" brooder. I'm really anxious to see how my Faverolles chicks turn out as these are from my own stock. I hope I get another Mahogany. I also have some EE/Faverolles cross (4 eggs) in there - wonder if they'll have green feathered legs? Is leg feathering a dominant trait? I've got to find me a good genetics book - anyone have any suggestions? I need a "Genetics for Dummies" type of book!

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