Faverolles Thread

I'm so excited, you guys! BuffBeauty is bringing a pair of young LF Faverolles to the Shawnee, OK show and I'm getting them! I had gotten a 2 yr old pair (really hard to find around here) a month ago. I had them only 10 days and the male died, I'm pretty positive he aspirated food. He started this high pitched coughing sound and within an hour literally he died. I was so very upset because I'd wanted a pair for so long, had waited a month for them and then he died before he even got out of quarrantine
The hen missed him terribly, he was so sweet to her. She's doing great but I'd all but given up on finding any more. So you have no idea how excited I am to get this pair in 2 weeks! I'm jumping up and down-for real!!
BuffBeauty-thank you!!! Here's a picture of my hen. I've never shown so I don't know much about physical quality, but I do know this hen is sweet as the day is long and I love her dearly. I'm not going to be able to sleep for 2 wks now!
Oh yea-and she's molting like crazy in the picture. I can't wait til she gets all her feathers in.
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Congrats! Kassandara has some really nice birds! I can tell you that after just getting a pair of well bantams from her - they settle right in - are mellow and well adjusted - so you should be very happy with yours!
Beautiful pics everyone! I love seeing everyones Favs! I love
my two girls! Yes...these guys are just so sweet and gentle!

Kassandra..I would like to order some more goatmilk soaps for Christmas. Can you pm me what scents you have again?
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I have six roos that I hatched from Cloverleaf. They hatched on June 29th. I plan on keeping two. It is now the time for me to let go of some. I live In WA. If anyone is interested that can pick up please PM me. I believe a few may be breeder quality and of course you couldn't get a better flock roo.
Let me know if interested




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