Faverolles Thread

ok, here some pics of my chicks from dinahmoe, cute little buggers- mama broody won't let me very close- any way to tell gender or is it still too soon?

is it normal for them to doze off like this???
I just received my order of chicks from MPC. I got 20, 5 of them are Salmon Faverolles. I was very excited to have this new breed. Unfortunately one was DOA, and there is another one, who is now doing very poorly. I was just wondering if there was something specific I should be doing for this breed. If they are less hardy as chicks than other breeds. It is probably just a coincidence that they are both of the same breed, but I thought I would check. I am used to raising sheep, not chicks!
Didn't mean to leave these out of that comment. Very cute chick pics.
ok, here some pics of my chicks from dinahmoe, cute little buggers- mama broody won't let me very close- any way to tell gender or is it still too soon?

is it normal for them to doze off like this???
Well, woke up to chicks popping out of their shells a day early... but they are my Merlin babies so I won't complain any
I had them scheduled to go into my hatcher this morning and for their hatch to begin tonight but they were impatient and I have 4 so far. Got the Summer babies hatching out in a lemon bag to keep them separate from the other line... cutest lil lemons I ever had!
Well, woke up to chicks popping out of their shells a day early... but they are my Merlin babies so I won't complain any
I had them scheduled to go into my hatcher this morning and for their hatch to begin tonight but they were impatient and I have 4 so far. Got the Summer babies hatching out in a lemon bag to keep them separate from the other line... cutest lil lemons I ever had!

That is awesome glad your getting some hatching out and some summer eggs! So awesome. Congratulations.
I just received my order of chicks from MPC. I got 20, 5 of them are Salmon Faverolles. I was very excited to have this new breed. Unfortunately one was DOA, and there is another one, who is now doing very poorly. I was just wondering if there was something specific I should be doing for this breed. If they are less hardy as chicks than other breeds. It is probably just a coincidence that they are both of the same breed, but I thought I would check. I am used to raising sheep, not chicks!

My Faverolles came from the same hatchery (MPC gets their chicks from Meyer) and noticed that they seemed very delicate as chicks. You can let nature take it's course or if you want you can give some more intense TLC. My Derperella wasn't going to make it either but I spent a few sleepless nights with her, stubbornly. Make sure the chick stays warm, hydrated, and keep the nutrition going however you can. It took me nearly a week with an eyedropper to pull my weak baby faverolles through, but it was worth it to me. Others might not be willing to do that, and that's okay too.
How funny Sandi. I worked with btm La Fleche a long time ago and they'd hatch like popcorn on the 18th day.... Every clutch. Lemons how cute. I hope Summer babies prove out to be as special as everyone seems to think he is. Not to slight him at all. I'm very happy to see Summer and his Simm type. He's not quite the pet Simm grew to be but he's still so young. For the record. Marcel's pen is filled with direct daughters of Britgirl. Meaning that Brit blood is much much closer than what anyone else would have present day.....
Thanks for the post. Hope they all hatch out.

Well, woke up to chicks popping out of their shells a day early... but they are my Merlin babies so I won't complain any
I had them scheduled to go into my hatcher this morning and for their hatch to begin tonight but they were impatient and I have 4 so far. Got the Summer babies hatching out in a lemon bag to keep them separate from the other line... cutest lil lemons I ever had!
My Faverolles came from the same hatchery (MPC gets their chicks from Meyer) and noticed that they seemed very delicate as chicks. You can let nature take it's course or if you want you can give some more intense TLC. My Derperella wasn't going to make it either but I spent a few sleepless nights with her, stubbornly. Make sure the chick stays warm, hydrated, and keep the nutrition going however you can. It took me nearly a week with an eyedropper to pull my weak baby faverolles through, but it was worth it to me. Others might not be willing to do that, and that's okay too.

OnAdobeRoad and Nambroth,
I got my first Faverolles chicks in 2010 from Ideal Poultry in Cameron TX. I've had many different breeds through the years and found the Hatchery Faverolles to be more fragile than other breeds. Both the roo and hens were easily bullied by just about all the other chickens.

This time around I'm going with eggs from a reputable BYC Faverolles breeder here in Texas. I have the eggs in my 'bator now, soon to hatch. I plan to raise them separately so no bullying will be going on!!! I know they will be better quality birds since they are coming from a woman who has been breeding/raising Favs for quite a while.
My 2010 bitties were so sweet and friendly, they'd come and stand on my shoes when I was in the coop. LOL Who couldn't love those fuzzy little faces and feathered legs.

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