favorite hen listless


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
That's the only symptom I can see- she looks fine, poop is fine, the only thing is that she does a lot of standing and staring and she's normally one of my brightest, most cheerful and outgoing hens. She's a gorgeous white Ameraucana and I just love her to death. I gave her some vitamin/enzyme water this morning and she had a couple sips- I left it out there near her. I know this is extremely vague, but it's all I have to go on besides a gut feeling that something is up with her. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!

Oh yes- she's about 16 months old and has not been through a molt- is this a possible cause? She's always been a terrible layer so I can't go on that. I'm trying to think of any additional information I can give since I don't have much information about whatever is bothering her. Thanks again!
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Consider isolating her and cooling measures. It could be an early symptom of a disease process but it could also relate to the heat. The heat index has been horrid, way above 100 across the river in west TN so I am sure that is a possibility for you also. Maybe a treat like a little bit of cold watermelon would tempt her. I hope she gets better. I also hope some others give you better input. Do keep watching for other symptoms in her and the rest of your flock.

Cooling measures: take her inside for awhile if that is feasible. Ice in drinking water, misting them, shade available at all times of day, cool treats, improved ventilation if inside and possibly a fan.
I love the ice in the water idea! Thanks! My coop tends to be cooler since one wall is stone and it's in total shade... but it has still been generally burning hot. The other chickens are their normal selves, but hopefully this one IS just hot and can feel better with ice and cold treats. Thanks for answering!

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