Favorite thing YOUR chickens do!

Two things my chickens do that I love is that they are very prim and proper when they are eating. When they get their beaks dirty they sneak up to me and wipe their beaks on my pant cuffs instead of in the grass. I need to get them napkins I think. I also have a very friendly and curious EE/Dark Cornish pullet that regularly visits me when I am sitting in a chair with my legs crossed. She jumps up on my leg that is crossed over top of my knee so up above the ground. She walks down my leg onto that foot and then proceeds to have a "talk". Soo cute!!
I got 6 TSC pullets this spring and they are the friendliest birds I've had yet! I love how excited they get when they see me coming, climbing over each other to be the first one to be let out and petted. One very persistent bird will continue to follow me around, pecking at my shoes and pants if she has not gotten enough attention.
My favorite thing is how sweet and lovable they were. I had no idea when I bought chickens in May for the first time that they would become pets not livestock. I picked them out at a day old so I guess we're bonded. My chickens run out to greet me every morning and want to be patted and held.-So SWEET!

Come running when I call (cause they think I have food) and I know they aren't chickens but my ducks follow me around. and when I hold food up my one chicken jumps up they all do cue things but these are the cutest.
That always makes mr laugh! When I get the one eye from the chicken's I can't seem to resist referring to them as my little Cyclopses.

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