Favorite thing YOUR chickens do!

When I walk past the nest boxes and the girls make their little raptor noises and think they're so ferocious. I also frequently turn up new dirt in their run and my little RIR ruby likes to sit on the shovel and scratch in the dirt i lifted.
This is my favorite thing. they let me touch them. I have several that are so tame, they allow me to really get under their feathers... good for closeup inspection of general health as well as soothing for my disposition... it's generally a 2 handed operation, especially for this Barred Rock... she gets a full body massage
. what's even more remarkable is how they will line up for their turn...
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I LOVE when my girls will stretch one foot back with one wing and do a long stretch. It's like the beginning of some expressive modern dance interpretation. I also love when they run full force wings flapping if they become seperated. The 4 of them are joined at the hip!
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I love watching my silkies run across thier run. Thier butt fluff waving in the wind is too precious. Also my ducklings are always so excited to see me. They open thier little bills kinda like they're saying "hi, mommy" and then they wait thier turn to be held and loved on. I love thier lil hearts ♡
This is not so much funny but is interesting of how the rooster takes his job so serious, in their fenced in area when you open their door in the morning he is the 1st one out to watch the ladies come out and he directs them away from the fence (away from me), if you feed them a goodie he lets them eat 1st and will only eat after making sure they are safe. When you let them free range he calls the ladies over to be close to him until he feels things are safe then he allows them to roam. (He is 1 very mean barred rock rooster at least to people but he is excellent at his job)
Agree, the sandbath is great, and also I watched them sunbathe together for the first time! They are 11wk old Buckeyes, Echo on the Lt and Butterscotch on the Rt

I call her buffy because she is a buff orp hen. I rake out and refill bunker holes at least twice a week. All my chicks use them for dust bathing and cooling off. Buffy makes sure she follows me around and marks every spot I fill in for redigging almost as soon as I fill them in. Its ridiculously funny to watch her follow me as I work to undo what I have done. I really think she enjoys the challenge as much as I do! I fill, she digs!
My chickens favorite thing to do is to be let out of the chicken pin for a few hours. Or its being put back in the pin because they get a big hand full of mill-worms for going.

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