Feather Fixer vs Flock Block


Apr 28, 2017
Has anyone ever used a product called 'Flock Block'. My wife went shopping today and I ask her to get a bag of feather fixer, well, she come home with a flock block. Seems the salesman talked her into it. We have a few chickens that have been rooster worn and need fixin'. I removed the roosters to a different pen, now there are no roosters in with the hens. I wanted to add feather fixer to the feed to help with the saddle feathers but ended up with flock block. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I've never used flock block before.
Flock block is a treat, basically scratch molded into a block. The only reason I can think they recommended it is it is used as a boredom buster. In my opinion it won’t increase nutrition. I’m a fan of feather fixer or you can give some calf manna as nutrition supplement.
I would never listen to a Salesman in a store. Ever.
A Flock block is really nothing more than scratch grains held together with molasses. It does not have the protein levels that you want from the feather fixer. You can give it to them, but it's not really good for them. A lot of people in the North during winter use Flock Blocks as boredom busters.
Thanks for the answers, that's what I figgered'. Like most wives, mine thinks I'm a DUMAS' and the salesman knows better then I. The salesman has probably been told to push the blocks out the door to get rid of 'em. Well, I guess it's another trip to the store to get the feather fixer. Thanks all.

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