Feather-footed bantams from TSC-lots of pics


12 Years
Jan 8, 2008
I managed to score 6 assorted feather footed bantams this morning at TSC. They all seem to have single combs except for the two silkies. They are so tiny it is hard to tell for sure yet!

#1-four toes, sparse feathers on shank, shanks black on top, feet are white on bottom?, half the size of the other chicks (like the size of a Japanese). There were more like this so I don't think he is runty.

#2-four toes, lots of feathers on shank, reddish/yellow. I think it is a red cochin??

#3-four toes, lots of feathers on shank,

#4-four toes, lots of feathers on shank

#'s 5 and 6-Five toes, black skin, yellowish white feathers. White silkies!

the first one might be a porcelian d'uccle or a self blue but for the most part i think your right about them...i'm really no help till they get older :( though
#1 Maybe a d'uccle not sure on the color
#2 I think you are right a Red Cochin or Buff
#3 Partridge Cochin
#4 What type of comb does it have? Single comb, I'd say another Partridge Cochin; Pea Comb Dark Brahma
#5 & 6 White Silkies like you said
Those are just my guesses
#1 Maybe a d'uccle not sure on the color
#2 I think you are right a Red Cochin or Buff
#3 Partridge Cochin
#4 What type of comb does it have? Single comb, I'd say another Partridge Cochin; Pea Comb Dark Brahma
#5 & 6 White Silkies like you said
Those are just my guesses

I was wondering if #1 was a d'uccle. I have never even seen one so I am not sure. And I can't find a color like that on any site.

#4-I can't see a comb. It is very smooth in that area.
this little girl is a porcelian
#1 looks pretty close to your chick. I wish i had gotten a couple more!!

The chicken lady did call me this afternoon because there were three lonely chicks left. I picked them up and they are like #4.
Did you ever come to a conclusion as to what breed your #1 is? I'm asking because I just got one from TSC and it looks EXACTLY like yours!

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