Feather issue


7 Years
Aug 12, 2012
So my australorp, known as Truck ( yes a girl who was named by my son :)) is missing feathers on both wings. It started in early spring and has gotten progressively worse. She is also missing a few on her chest area.
I got close enough today to see that it looked like they are getting pecked off but unsure by who or why. Truck is near the top of the pecking order, and there are only 5 of them! Could this be from something else or just bullying??
I had a bantam mix that was beating on my bearded Belgium d'anver this looks really similar to what happened with my chickens
Thanks! Now she's been broody the last few days...geez! I can't win with this girl!
No problem I ended up getting rid of the mutt since she was too loud for where I live and that's where the problems stopped

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