Feather Loss- Help


Mar 17, 2018
Statesboro, Georgia
Hi! I have a flock of 16. Five are two years old and the rest are 11weeks old; process of integrating. I noticed today that one of my RIR 2yr olds has lost her chest/underbelly feathers. No sign of lice, mites, etc... and no one else is showing feather loss. She’s behaving normally. Coop recently had spring cleaning— we shoveled all old out and did fresh hay, as well as built air tight walk in coop. Here are a couple of ideas I have had; not sure of validity:

•We did recently have to do Corid in water for two weeks due to one of the new crew having coccidiosis. Could that cause feather loss?

•Had to stop Layena and give everyone chick feed and now Flock Raiser due to integration.

-We live in Statesboro, GA- I know someone will ask that 🤪

-Oh- I know the pic I took looks red but it doesn’t appear to be irritated up close- I think it was how I was holding her and also her crop is right there. I did put some green goo on it to be safe 🤞
Is she laying eggs? Perhaps she's broody?

I would check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight and look her over for lice/mites.
She may be plucking her own feathers out...watch to see if others are helping her pluck.

I wouldn't think Corid would cause feather loss. Chick feed and Flock Raiser are fine to give, both generally have more protein than layer feed.

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