Feather Loss?

Hi I had the same problem with mine for the longest time I couldn't get their feathers to completely grow back. It was nothing to do with them pecking one another, or not enough space. They have a big coop and outdoor space and diseases/pests was not the problem. I figured out that adding extra protein did the trick for my hens, like lentils, little bit of extra turkey meat, eggs,fish, flax, etc.. a few times a week and so on made a big difference. I know my hens don't get a lot of bugs out here in New Mexico, so I dig in my flower bed for juicy worms and other source of protein. They love it. Try adding the protein and see if that is what is missing. Good Luck!
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Thank you for the protein tip. I give my birds those suet blocks they sell for bird feeders, but I'm going to try some meat or lentils, maybe some peanut butter? My black star-cross has stopped laying and is losing feathers big time. I had this problem 2 years ago and treated her for mites--got better. Treated for mites this time and still looks terrible! But reading that the porcupine look is new feathers coming in makes me feel much better!
Thank you for these photos. I have 6 month old Buff Orpingtons and Rhode Island Red hens that are looking the very same way right now. I have one rooster for 21 hens, so I
don't feel that the girls are being "overly mated". I use the "NO MITE" strips (5 of them) in the "pop door" so they all get treated when they go in and out all day long. I am
certain that my flock doesn't have a mite problem. This seems to be a normal process that chickens go through. Again, thanks for the great photos!

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